Masha runs only in her dreams
Masha runs only in her dreams

Masha runs only in her dreams

The project is carried by
Started: 25.01.2024
Totally raised
42500.0 UAH
Total goal
42500.00 UAH

The family of little Maria Levchuk is asking for help in raising funds for the restoration of their daughter, who was born prematurely and has defects that they are now having to overcome with doctors.

"A happy decent young family – husband, wife and son – we really wanted a second child. Pregnancy. A daughter is born prematurely at 26 weeks of pregnancy, weighing 840 grams. Six months in the intensive care unit on artificial lung ventilation. Life is divided into "before" and "after". First, the struggle for life, and the next eight years – the struggle for the quality of her daughter's life. And everything would have been fine, but suddenly, at the age of 42, my husband died. He died of acute heart failure. Life stopped at that moment. I was able to come to my senses a little bit only a year later...", says the girl's mother.

After being discharged from the hospital, the family immediately began rehabilitation activities: the baby was given massages, underwent procedures, physical therapy, and regularly visited rehabilitation centers and the pool. However, at the age of 12 months, the girl was diagnosed with cerebral palsy, so efforts to restore the child were focused even more. And they were not in vain – in the eight years of her life, the girl has achieved many results: Maria can move independently in a wheelchair, can sit and stand independently, relying on a solid support.

And this gives us confidence that with continuous help, the child will be able to acquire the skills that her peers have. To improve her quality of life and to enable her to walk, Maria underwent surgery to cut the Achilles tendons in both legs. The child spent a month in a plaster cast, and now that it has been removed, the question of rehabilitation has become acute.

Maria is recommended to undergo at least 5 rehabilitation courses, one course costs more than 40 thousand hryvnias. The family does not have the financial means to pay for all the necessary rehabilitation measures, and if they miss the moment, all efforts will be in vain. The family will be grateful for any support, please help Maria with her rehabilitation!

Full name: Maria Levchuk, 11.03.2015
City: Kharkiv
Diagnosis: cerebral palsy
ID: 9164
Alexander Novopashin
14.04.2024 13:51
6400.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.04.2024 15:55
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.04.2024 09:33
5000.00 UAH
Charity donation
09.04.2024 08:25
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
07.04.2024 18:26
516.55 UAH
All donors

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