MEDSANBAT. Save the defender's life
MEDSANBAT. Save the defender's life

MEDSANBAT. Save the defender's life

The project is carried by
Started: 11.11.2014
Eastern Ukraine
Totally raised
232986.01 UAH
Total goal
232986.01 UAH

While you are reading this, dozens of people are in need of emergency medical care, especially in the ATO zone. Many of them will stay with injuries or simply will not survive, because in the first 60 minutes they will not be provided with vital medical care. After all, even the best doctor without drugs and medical devices will not be able to help the victim. Our goal is not just to buy military medical bags. We want to save hundreds of lives. And this requires help of each of you.


Last year taught us – and all of us are so different – tо love Ukraine. And probably it sounds pathetic, we all worry about the guys, who are risking their lives in a combat zone.  Unfortunately, some young fathers will never hug their kids, and loving husbands will never ever kiss their wives, someone's life will unexpectedly end up, someone's hopes and dreams will never come true...

Because they were not protected from bullets and bombshells.

Because the bleeding was not stopped.

Because they didn’t know how to do that in a right way.

Because there were no needed pills around.

Because there were no first aid kits for each soldier.

Because mobile hospitals were overcrowded and poorly equipped, evacuation from the combat zone was difficult or impossible. Sometimes soldiers are waiting ofr 12 hours for the first aid instead of "golden hour" when lifesaving help should come.

Combat medical bag level two according to NATO standards is a chance to survive in the most dangerous spots. Its composition, light weight and mobility will allow the medical staff and volunteers to provide qualified and timely first aid in combat zones. Just 9 000 UAH – and dozens of hearts will continue to beat! Only 900 000 UAH – and hundreds of Ukrainian army soldiers will avoid prosthesis, wheelchairs and miserable existence.

The bag level two includes medicines and medical supplies needed to stop the bleeding, to prevent infection and amputation, to clear the airway and restore the breathing. It has everything needed for a prompt response and futher soldier evacuation to a safer zone for the more comprehensive treatment.

In other words – this is a chance not to be left on the battlefield, on the cold ground. It is a chance to return to normal life and peace. And this chance is not only for soldiers but also for each of us for whom those guys are sitting in the trenches and facing the bullet shots...


Project page on facebook:

ID: 1162
Charity donation
21.01.2015 12:38
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.01.2015 12:37
300.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.01.2015 12:36
17.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.01.2015 12:35
900.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.01.2015 12:34
1000.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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