We will save Illia!
We will save Illia!

We will save Illia!

The project is carried by
Started: 23.09.2013
Totally raised
450000.0 UAH
Total goal
450000.00 UAH

During the last month a little boy, Kozerivskiy Illia, submitted dozens of tests, outlasted painful injections and drop counters. But doctors could not only cure the child, but even to make diagnosis. They advised "just in case" to do magnetic resonance tomography of the brain. The device showed a growing tumor. Since this moment there has been the only one aim to save a child in the life of his family, as well as in the lives of all their friends and relatives.

When the boy was 5 years old he surely decided to become an astronaut. “Child’s dream” – his mom thought. Bu the child since that time has being studied everything about stars and space. His favorite place is planetarium. The favorite books and movies about rockets and space travel. He even overwhelmed dislike to eat porridge when he knew that porridge is a necessary for spacemen. He just realized that even such a nasty thing like porridge is a part of his way to the space. But he faced with much worse obstacle that the tasteless porridge on his way. And if Illia can cope with porridge, to defeat the disease he desperately need our help.

Illia was diagnosed with a cystic tumor of the brain with diameter of about 3 cm. The tumor is growing and compressing the adjacent parts of the brain, depriving them of their blood supply. A little more and it can get to the centers that control breathing and heartbeat. The doctors from the Institute of Neurosurgery in Kyiv named after A.Romodanova honestly say: taking into account the scale of complexity of operations – yours is 5+.

Operations with such complexity don’t make in Ukraine and Russia, due to this Illia was delivered to Tel-Aviv under the supervision of the world-known professor of neurosurgery Shlomi Constantini. He is a leading children neurosurgery in Israel and worldwide. The professor said that the surgery should be made immediately and the price of treatment depends on the consequences – because after the operation the child will be in the intensive care during the long period of time. And the later the operation should be made, the higher possibility of appearances of complications.

Currently it is known that the cost of treatment will be more than 70.000 Euros. We have succeeded to raise 200 thousands UAH. We very are appreciating for this our relatives, friends, colleges and management of the companies where Illia parents work. But this is only a little over 25% of the required amount. When each donated UAH raise Illia’s chance to be healthy and dream about the space.

Name: Kozerivs'kiy Illia,  date of birth - 04.07.20016 

City: Kyiv

Diagnosis: cystic tumor of the left part of the medulla oblongata

ID: 718
Віталій Варавін
20.11.2013 16:12
128.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.11.2013 16:05
20.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.11.2013 16:03
5.00 UAH
Charity donation
20.11.2013 15:17
300.00 UAH
Юлія Бурова
20.11.2013 15:13
50.00 UAH
All donors

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