Myroslava will fight
Myroslava will fight

Myroslava will fight

The project is carried by
Started: 28.02.2023
Totally raised
29981.0 UAH
Total goal
29981.00 UAH

Here, treatment is a lifelong routine. Help! Two complicated intestinal surgeries, artificial lung ventilation, and resuscitation – this is what Myroslava had to endure in the first days of her life.

Now the little one and a half year old child obediently makes daily inhalations several times a day and takes several types of medications – this should become her daily habit for the rest of her life. A daily routine fully adjusted to medical procedures and medication is a reality for every family with a person with cystic fibrosis.

When the power outages began, Myroslava's mother was very worried that her daughter would not be left without inhalations: otherwise, thick sputum would accumulate in her lungs and prevent her from breathing. The mother takes her daughter and the inhaler and goes to the nearby dentist, and on weekends, when the clinic is closed, she asks her friends.

It shouldn't be like this. But the full-scale war has made the already difficult life of people with cystic fibrosis much more difficult. These families need support. Myroslava needs support!

We ask for your help in paying for a portable inhaler, medicines, special food and a trampoline for the girl. The latter will bring joy, but it is not just a gift, it is a wonderful exercise equipment that will help the child to cough and cleanse her lungs.

Myroslava will fight.

Full name: Slavenska Myroslava, 19.06.2021
City: Dnipro
Diagnosis: Cystic fibrosis
ID: 8586
Charity donation
04.03.2023 01:54
5033.75 UAH
Charlie Chaplin
04.03.2023 01:47
25.00 UAH
Charity donation
03.03.2023 23:24
200.00 UAH
Artem Sh
03.03.2023 22:30
2265.00 UAH
Charity donation
03.03.2023 19:00
200.00 UAH
All donors

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