Myroslava begins to fight
Myroslava begins to fight

Myroslava begins to fight

The project is carried by
Started: 07.09.2021
Totally raised
37230.0 UAH
Total goal
37230.00 UAH

The baby was born in June this year and immediately ended up on the operating table. Then there were terrible days of resuscitation and artificial lung ventilation and shocking words of doctors that the newborn girl had a genetic disease of cystic fibrosis, with which “they do not live long.”

 They live! They live long, well and happily provided that they receive all the necessary treatment, which Myroslava does not have yet. The child's parents urgently collect documents to obtain at least partial support from the state. But all this paperwork takes time and the girl lacks it, because you cannot neglect the ailment. The baby needs to start taking medication and inhale so that the disease does not prevail.

 Cystic fibrosis can only be treated with daily lifelong therapy, otherwise the lungs become clogged with thick mucus and the body will not be able to digest food. We kindly ask you to support Myroslava's family at the beginning of their way of fighting with a serious illness. It is vital for a girl to buy an inhaler and sterilizer to disinfect cups and tubes for it, as well as the stock of medicines and special food for a few months for the baby to gain weight.

Even the smallest donation of a few hryvnias is an important contribution to save little Myroslava.

Full name: Slavenska Myroslava, 19.06.2021
City: Dnipro
Diagnosis: Cystic fibrosis
ID: 7402
14.10.2021 09:53
894.35 UAH
Luckfart Янютін
14.10.2021 08:38
82.59 UAH
Charity donation
14.10.2021 08:20
500.00 UAH
14.10.2021 06:23
51.00 UAH
Charity donation
13.10.2021 21:44
300.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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