Misha, where is your smile? Stage 2
Misha, where is your smile? Stage 2

Misha, where is your smile? Stage 2

The project is carried by
Started: 08.04.2016
Totally raised
4750.0 UAH
Total goal
4750.00 UAH

Actually Misha Scherbachov who is currently 15, is a very funny boy. As, in spite of premature bearing, death of his twin-sister at and horrible diagnosis child’s cerebral paralysis, he is extremely lucky. Where is his luckiness, you may ask?


When the boy was eight months, fate decided to give him a smile and send a meeting with wonderful Dr. Bersenev. Thanks to unique methodology of Volodymyr Andriyovych the child learned to sit and crawl, stand, make first steps – the same as healthy kids, although with a little delay. When Misha was 2 years and eight months he started to go for a pot, at four years and eight months he started to repeat words and syllables, and later he stared to talk, since eight he studies at home, learns Maths and reading, and even writing, he knows multiplication table, though at 4-5 years his relatives could not even dream about it.

It seemed that fate stepped back. But, unfortunately, his recovering is far: Misha has high tonus and spastics in hands and feet, it really stops him from moving forward; and higher school with its intensive and very difficult program waits for him.

There is no more money for his treatment – his grandmother passed away three years ago, and the boy’s father as it often happens in the families with special needs children abuses of alcohol, is almost unemployed and can not help and does not even desire.

Only you can help Misha make next steps towards normal life, people who are not indifferent to other’s troubles, and Dr. Bersenev with his effective methodology and kind heart. Mishka, smile, - you ‘re not alone!

Full name: Cherbakov Mihail

Date of birth: 30.07.1999

Diagnosis: Cerebral palsys,pastic tetraparesis

ID: 2166
Charity donation
27.04.2016 08:20
574.00 UAH
Іван Василиків
27.04.2016 07:28
10.00 UAH
Charity donation
26.04.2016 21:17
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
26.04.2016 20:46
10.00 UAH
Charity donation
26.04.2016 19:22
30.00 UAH
All donors

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