Myshko, Myshko, where's your smile? 3
Myshko, Myshko, where's your smile? 3

Myshko, Myshko, where's your smile? 3

The project is carried by
Started: 16.08.2018
Totally raised
17660.0 UAH
Total goal
17660.00 UAH

Misha Shcherbakov, who is 19 years old now, has always been a smiling boy. Despite the fact that he was born prematurely and nearly from birth received a terrible diagnosis of cerebral palsy. But the luck was at his side. When the boy was eight months old, the fate sent him a meeting with the wonderful person – Dr. Bersenev. Then, in the beginning, thanks to the unique method created by Dr. Volodymyr Bersenev, the child learned to sit and crawl, to stand; he took the first steps – at the same way as other healthy children, albeit with a delay. A little bit later Misha started to ask for a potty, to repeat the words and syllables and then – to talk.

Misha Shcherbakov, who is 19 years old now, has always been a smiling boy. Despite the fact that he was born prematurely and nearly from birth received a terrible diagnosis of cerebral palsy. But the luck was at his side. When the boy was eight months old, the fate sent him a meeting with the wonderful person – Dr. Bersenev. Then, in the beginning, thanks to the unique method created by Dr. Volodymyr Bersenev, the child learned to sit and crawl, to stand; he took the first steps – at the same way as other healthy children, albeit with a delay. A little bit later Misha started to ask for a potty, to repeat the words and syllables and then – to talk.

Since 8 he has studied at home; now Misha has overcome the program of the 9th grade of high school. And such the good results have been achieved in physical development! The guy who was previously brought to a clinic in a wheelchair, does push-ups, trunk curls, squats and walks on a treadmill at home every day. Misha is merry and purposeful. Last year, he took the third place in sport fishing competition. All these successes in development would have been impossible without experienced doctors of the Dr. Bersenev's clinic and Mykhailo's own perseverance.

It would seem that everything is already fine. But, unfortunately, the complete recovery is far away: Misha still has a high tone and spasticity in his arms and legs, which greatly prevents him from moving forward. The guy needs to learn further, but there is already no money for the treatment – his grandmother died a few years ago, and the boy's father, as it often happens in families with sick children, abuses alcohol, practically does not work, can not help and doesn't want to.

Only you, people, who are not indifferent to someone else's troubles, and Dr. Bersenev with his effective method and kind heart can help Misha to take the next steps on the path to normal life. Misha, keep smiling! You are not alone!


Name: Shcherbakov Mykhailo, 12.04.1999

City: Kiev

Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis, contracture in the knees and g/foot joints


ID: 4304
Alexander Novopashin
31.10.2018 22:41
2731.85 UAH
Charity donation
31.10.2018 22:19
51.01 UAH
31.10.2018 12:56
5.09 UAH
Альона Даниленко
31.10.2018 12:49
15.27 UAH
Charity donation
31.10.2018 10:44
44.90 UAH
All donors

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