My rule – don't give up!
My rule – don't give up!

My rule – don't give up!

The project is carried by
Started: 15.03.2017
Zakarpattia region
Totally raised
36000.0 UAH
Total goal
36000.00 UAH

"There are no disability limitations, there are limitations of aspirations". This is a credo 12-year-old Andrii, who has hemophilia, lives with. His thirst for life, cognition, and movement proves that any predicament can be waded through. The main thing is not to break down, to believe in yourself and your strength.

Andrii’s body fails to produce natural coagulation factor IX. So the child lives with the constant threat of death from bleeding in the brain and other vital organs. Even the slightest trauma jeopardizes his life.

However, Andrii does not admit himself disabled and does not want others to do so. He is constantly in motion – practicing bicycle, skiing, swimming, doing archery. The boy is keen of paleontology, wants to become a famous scientist, is seeking to participate in the Paralympic Games. Last summer he and his father cycled 1300 km to visit the Museum of Natural History in Berlin, which contains unique paleontological exhibits.

To live and to achieve everything he plans for Andrew must infuse Octanine the lacking blood factor. This medicine is not purchased within government funding. One ampoule of Octanine costs more than UAH 3 600. The guy needs to have a stock of the medicine by himself all the time, especially on travels, which he desires so much.

At UBB we plan to collect UAH 36 000 to help the guy.


Name: Andrii Zakutnii, 24.01.2004

City: Mukachevo, Zakarpattia region

Diagnosis: hemophilia B

ID: 2932
13.10.2017 00:28
17829.87 UAH
Charity donation
12.10.2017 23:04
50.92 UAH
Charity donation
12.10.2017 22:05
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.10.2017 21:15
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
12.10.2017 20:51
51.01 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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