I dream about real childhood!
I dream about real childhood!

I dream about real childhood!

The project is carried by
Started: 06.09.2016
Odessa region
Totally raised
13500.0 UAH
Total goal
13500.00 UAH

My little son, he is the dearest, the most darling person in the world! Childhood is the most wonderful and happiest time for everyone, almost everyone... When a disease does not prevent it. Leshenka has an ICP, so his physical abilities are limited, but, as every child, he is interested in the world around him. Therefore, in our free time, I take him everywhere, show and tell him everything. He understands everything very well, except why the other children can walk, run, and he cannot...

My heart is wrung when I see a glitter in his eyes as he pulls the legs and how he wants to get up, when some happy kids sweep past him...

Yes, the disease does not allow Leshenka to enjoy his childhood. Since his birth, he has been visiting different hospitals, rehabilitation centers, taking different medicines. On his every day, there are both physical and mental classes, which are accompanied by persistent pain and crying. During his short life my son was in the neurology department of Odessa regional hospital for three times, once he was in the clinic “OHMATDIT” in Kiev, took 8 rehabilitation courses in Odessa rehabilitation center “Futurum” (House with the Angel), one course in RC “Elita” in Lviv, one course in the RC “Innovo”, and two courses of acupuncture.

In addition, treatment gives its results, for all this time he was able to learn how to turn over on his side, belly, and back, pull himself up, play with toys. His back strengthened, in a sitting position he can sit for a little time and he doesn’t fall, his legs work better, he began more active, he made a progress in mental development. Now, in his two and a half, he says “mother”, “father”, “grandmother” and “grandfather”, he tells in his own way verses, he likes music, he sings and even dances in his perambulator ... But he cannot crawl, sit, stand and walk yet. Therefore, we again turned to the “Innovo” clinic, a Medical Center of physical therapy and pain medicine in Lviv, for further rehabilitation.

After all, Leshenka must not interrupt his treatment; we must not stop on this difficult path! I ask you, I beg you! Help my little son to be healthy and happy! I believe that he has all the chances to grow full-fledged and necessary for society man!


Name: Alexey Shkrabak, 22/02/2014

City: Odessa region

The diagnosis: Cerebral palsy

ID: 2484
Charity donation
13.10.2016 16:59
916.00 UAH
Charity donation
13.10.2016 15:23
20.00 UAH
Charity donation
13.10.2016 14:11
100.00 UAH
Вадим Целюк
13.10.2016 13:05
593.00 UAH
Charity donation
13.10.2016 13:03
200.00 UAH
All donors

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