Hope for little Nadia
Hope for little Nadia

Hope for little Nadia

The project is carried by
Started: 08.12.2015
Totally raised
34720.0 UAH
Total goal
34720.00 UAH

Our family needs help. Nadia is a good girl, she is not capable of doing almost everything, and needs help from adults. She is 4.5 years old, and she speaks only a few words, does not eat on her own, still does not ask for a pot. All the money the family used to treat a girl. Nadia needs brain stimulation in order to quickly catch up with her peers. The girl is almost 5 years old, and her brain gets information, as the one-year-old child does. Let's support Nadia, because we are her last hope.

Our family needs help. Nadia is a good girl, she is not capable of doing almost everything, and needs help from adults. She is 4.5 years old, and she speaks only a few words, does not eat on her own, still does not ask for a pot. All the money the family used to treat a girl. Nadia needs brain stimulation in order to quickly catch up with her peers. The girl is almost 5 years old, and her brain gets information, as the one-year-old child does. Let's support Nadia, because we are her last hope.

A diagnosis hampered the development of girls, she can not understand the world, ask questions that interested her, and fully communicate all that is important, especially at this age. Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, ataktychnyy syndrome of poor coordination, severe cognitive impairment. Persistent violations of organic origin rhesus operation as a violation of speech, mental retardation, which leads to social exclusion. Hydrocephalus. The delay in the development of Nadia birth, but she is interested in all that he sees around him. But only now slowly because of illness she sees everything, and she needed something several times repeated that she remembered. When Nadia falls, it begins to cry later, because impulses reach the brain and not just slower than normal children...

Nadia sick from birth, she is capable and wants to be so like all kids his age, but her illness prevents her stay in a normal kindergarten, because the girl alone not eat, can not care for themselves, but helps when worn, takes the one hand, then another ... Many are not aware of the environment, natural phenomena, emotions people...

The Center brain stimulation hope that the improvement will be gradual with a score higher than the average. As a result, treatment can be enhanced language skills, memory, attention and response to treatment. The child begins to better keep head and back. The potential to embrace new information and training will grow by 35-50%.

But parents can not pay for the treatment course for the family budget has long been exhausted, so they ask for help. Caring people is their last hope!


Name: Nadia O. Ivanchenko, born 29.06.2011

Location: Lutsk

Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, atoktychnyy syndrome of poor coordination, severe cognitive impairment. Persistent violations of organic origin rhesus operation as a violation of speech, mental retardation, which leads to social exclusion. Hydrocephalus

ID: 1874
Charity donation
21.01.2016 20:24
2425.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.01.2016 19:27
200.00 UAH
Бажаю здоров'я
21.01.2016 19:26
20.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.01.2016 19:16
20.00 UAH
Artem Novyk
21.01.2016 18:53
300.00 UAH
All donors

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