Hope for a fulfilling life despite cerebral palsy
Hope for a fulfilling life despite cerebral palsy

Hope for a fulfilling life despite cerebral palsy

The project is carried by
Started: 18.09.2024
Chernivtsi region
Still needed
27508.00 UAH
Total goal
28758.00 UAH

Nikol's mother's pregnancy was going well, and the baby was born full-term at 40 weeks of pregnancy on St. Nicholas Day. The girl was wrapped in the umbilical cord and suffered from hypoxia. Nikol was born without crying. Since her birth, Nikol has been fighting for her life. Two weeks of resuscitation and the doctor's terrible words followed: “The child has no protective organs, 80% of such children do not survive.” For two weeks, the doctor kept saying the same thing, the child's condition was consistently serious, but thanks to the work of the doctors, the girl survived.

After discharge, the parents thought that all the terrible things were over, and the child would develop like all healthy children. But they were very wrong. For four years they have been fighting for their daughter's full life. At the age of one year and seven months, they heard the terrible diagnosis of cerebral palsy. At 2.2 years old, Nikol took her first steps. The girl's intelligence is preserved, she understands everything and shows it with gestures, but for her 4 years, the child speaks only 10 words. The parents spend all their money on constant rehabilitation to help their daughter speak and improve her walking. Nikol needs constant rehabilitation courses, and the family does not have enough money.  

Nikol has undergone 5 rehabilitation courses at the Kozyavkin Clinic, and after each rehabilitation the girl has good results. It was very difficult to normalize her coordination, thanks to rehabilitation the girl is learning to pronounce new words. Years of rehabilitation, physical therapy, massage, swimming and work at home have paid off. The girl has a chance to recover and lead a full and happy life. Nikol shows interest in helping with household chores, loves to be read to, likes to draw and write. The child serves herself, plays football with her little brother.

Each subsequent course of treatment gives tangible results, and now it is very important not to stop there and continue treatment. The only hope is the hearts of people who care and can help Nikol fight cerebral palsy. The parents sincerely ask for your help in further treatment and rehabilitation and are grateful to all the caring people who will help in the course of treatment!

Full name: Nikol Dariychuk, 19.12.2019
City: Dobrynivtsi village, Chernivtsi region
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy
ID: 9612

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


Charity donation
26.09.2024 16:36
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
24.09.2024 22:19
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
23.09.2024 16:21
100.00 UAH
Ким Томашевский
23.09.2024 04:15
250.00 UAH
Charity donation
22.09.2024 08:11
200.00 UAH
All donors
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