Our father must live!
Our father must live!

Our father must live!

Started: 02.10.2015
Totally raised
5504.0 UAH
Total goal
5504.00 UAH

"Our father Gennadiy is not our biological father. In 1980 he married our mother– a widow with two children. Never in our life, we do not perceive our father as a stepfather because his warmth and support were truly paternal. Later, when my sister and I were diagnosed severe muscle disease (myopathy, so muscle protein is destroying), he did not abandon his mother with sick children. Myopathy has progressed slowly but muscle damage were significant and irreversible. Our father was always with us. And now he needs help – he was diagnosed cancer". 

Our family have been together for 35 years. In August 2014 my father was diagnosed with 4th stage of cancer with multiple metastases in the liver and lungs. He already went through twelve courses of chemotherapy. Despite the fact that dad is very sick, he always helps me and my sister. He still helps our Mom to take care of us. It is very difficult for our family. My sister and I are grateful to have a Dad. Please, help us pay for his treatment!My father is a mechanic.

He worked at Prydniprovska Thermal Power Station (boiler shop, hazardous production). He was born in Siberia (Yakutia), where his father was repressed. He has always been kind to others. He hopes for the best to the last. He does not lose hope to overcome cancer because he realizes that I and my sister are completely helpless without his help. We live in the private housing where there is no asphalt on the road so we depend on the parents’ assistance, both at home and outside (it is impossible to drive the wheelchair on the dirt road when you have weak hands).

We can’t even imagine our home without our father, his voice, warmth and care. There is a saying: “The better soul you have, the harder your destiny is". It seems that it is about our father and his destiny. I and my sister are very grateful to him for everything! We are asking all caring people to help in the whip-round for his treatment to prolong father's life.


Name: Gennadiy O. Antonov, born 01.05.1946

Location: Dnipropetrovsk

Diagnosis: Cr rectosigma T 3-4 N1 M1 Article 4 mts many numerous in the lungs, liver, abdomen, kl.hr. 2

ID: 1749
Charity donation
05.10.2015 22:41
252.00 UAH
Charity donation
05.10.2015 22:21
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
05.10.2015 22:19
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
05.10.2015 22:17
210.00 UAH
Charity donation
05.10.2015 21:48
50.00 UAH
All donors

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