"Our happiness did not last long..."
"Our happiness did not last long..."

"Our happiness did not last long..."

Started: 15.04.2024
Still needed
16210.24 UAH
Total goal
30900.00 UAH

Ihor is a very long-awaited child for his parents. He was born on time and discharged home on the third day. "We couldn't believe our happiness, but it was short-lived...", Ihor's mother recalls. Because in the first week of his life, Ihor slept very little, did not eat and was moody. Because of this, the parents raised the alarm and sought inpatient care at the Perinatal Center in Kharkiv, where the baby underwent a comprehensive examination.

As a result of the examination, Ihor was diagnosed with bilateral intrauterine pneumonia, which was treated with antibiotics for a long time. This led to a weakening of the immune system and subsequently to many pathologies. The Perinatal Center began a long journey through doctors, numerous examinations and the discovery of new and new deficiencies in the child's health and condition.

Ihor was registered with a geneticist for pathologies, a neurologist for developmental delays, a cardiologist for heart disorders, an orthopedist for hypermobility of the joints... No one gave any prognoses, no answers to the parents' questions, and so far none of the doctors has answered the mother's question: "What happened to our child? What went wrong?". There were only recommendations and treatment, and then the diagnosis came like a verdict: "cerebral palsy".

During the first year of his life, Ihor was often ill, he had another pneumonia and many bronchitis. The boy was very weak, underweight and developmentally delayed, but his parents did not give up. They grabbed every opportunity to pull their son out of this condition. They adhered to medication, did daily physical therapy and massage, attended systematic swimming pool and sensory integration classes, and underwent intensive rehabilitation courses using various techniques to improve the child's quality of life. This led to small victories, and Ihor grew stronger and began to gain weight. By 7 months, he began to hold his head, by one and a half years - to sit, he stood on his feet only after 2 years.

Ihor's path to a healthy and happy childhood is still ongoing, and there is still work to be done and things to be corrected.

Currently, Ihor is 7 years old, he has a delay in psycho-emotional and speech development, has physical disabilities (he does not run or jump), he does not speak or hear in one ear, he has impaired coordination, fine and gross motor skills. Ihor has every chance to fix this, he is a very promising, inquisitive and cheerful child. The boy always helps his mother with household chores - cleaning, laundry and is involved in every way in the household. He likes to travel, read books, do puzzles, play and take care of his pets, watch cartoons, he loves playgrounds and children's rooms, spending time and playing in the company of children, and he is very eager to be healthy like his peers.
Therefore, the boy constantly needs classes and numerous rehabilitation courses in order not to lose the skills he has acquired and learn new ones, which are vital for him.

Ihor's family is no longer able to pay for expensive rehabilitation on their own, they have exhausted all their financial resources and savings, and his father's pension and salary are only enough for living expenses and medical examinations. Therefore, due to the desperate financial situation, Ihor's family appeals to all those who care to help the little Kharkiv boy on his way to new victories in the fight against cerebral palsy!

Full name: Ihor Khomenko, 19.10.2016
City: Kharkiv
Diagnosis: G80.8. Children's cerebral palsy, mixed form. Dyskinetic and ataxic cerebral palsy. Motor disorders according to GMFCS level 2 classification, hand function according to MACS level 2 classification. Mitochondrial dysfunction. General underdevelopment of level 1 speech
ID: 9391

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


Paul Zavorotnikov
23.05.2024 23:30
30.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.05.2024 16:03
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.05.2024 09:51
33.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.05.2024 09:26
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
10.05.2024 11:29
400.00 UAH
All donors
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