Teach Violetta to control her body
Teach Violetta to control her body

Teach Violetta to control her body

The project is carried by
Started: 13.12.2021
Totally raised
5605.47 UAH
Total goal
43200.00 UAH

Violetta is a very smart and intelligent girl but she has cerebral palsy. Her life consists of continuous activities and physical exercises which help to support and develop the activity of her whole body.

Violetta was born prematurely. Like all children, she screamed, but then she stopped breathing. She spent 3 months in intensive care, and then another month in the children's department of the hospital. And at the age of 11 months, the girl received a diagnosis of cerebral palsy. Since then, Violetta and her mother have been regular visitors to rehabilitation centers and specialized clinics.

Now the girl is 5 years old. Unfortunately, her mother is an only parent. But luckily she has very supportive grandparents. They surround Violetta with love and care and together they are a great team that supports each other.

Thanks to the care of her loved ones, Violetta has very good results. Her intellectual development is age appropriate. She is not inferior to her peers. But the physical condition, alas, leaves much to be desired. For people living with cerebral palsy, rehabilitation is a way of life. It is one of the means to keep her body in an active state, it is a stimulator of growth and development. Also, these exercises significantly improve her psychological state.

Violetta cannot crawl, cannot walk on her own, her hand motor skills are poorly developed but in the future there is still hope that she will manage to walk and take care of herself in everyday life.

We are asking all of you to help Violetta raise funds for her rehabilitation. This is her only chance to develop independence as well as the opportunity to learn ways to control her own body.

Full name: Nazarchuk Violetta, 26.12.2015
City: Odesa
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, spastic paralysis
ID: 7684
Charity donation
08.02.2022 02:03
200.00 UAH
Charlie Chaplin
04.02.2022 23:34
20.00 UAH
Charlie Chaplin
04.02.2022 23:09
10.00 UAH
Charity donation
31.01.2022 16:22
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
24.01.2022 00:41
47.47 UAH
All donors

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