We can’t let Evgenia to lose her chance! 2
We can’t let Evgenia to lose her chance! 2

We can’t let Evgenia to lose her chance! 2

The project is carried by
Started: 13.06.2024
Kharkiv region
Still needed
19285.00 UAH
Total goal
26800.00 UAH

The parents were looking forward to the birth of their little girl Evgenia. For the first three months, Evgenia was like all babies her age, pleasing her parents with her smile, sleeping and eating sweetly. Her parents first became worried when, at three months old, the girl could not hold her head up on her own. Since then, an endless queue for an accurate diagnosis and treatment began.

Doctors diagnosed Evgenia with a congenital brain defect, microcephaly, cerebral palsy, dyskinetic tetraparesis, and psycho-speech developmental delay. Since the age of three, this little sunshine has been undergoing treatment at the Institute of Pain Problems clinic, which has allowed her health to gradually improve. The parents do their best to ensure timely treatment, but with the outbreak of full-scale war, the family's financial situation has deteriorated significantly. The father sometimes works almost around the clock to feed the family and raise funds for the next course of treatment for his little girl. But the rehabilitation courses need to be held every three months. 

The family is begging for help from all caring and kind people who can help them at least a little to pay for the girl's treatment. The doctors are confident that Evgenia has every chance of recovery, and they must not be lost. Please join the fundraising for rehabilitation and help Evgenia overcome the disease!

Full name: Guryna Evgenia, 22.04.2020
City: Novoprosianske village, Kharkiv region
Diagnosis: congenital brain defects, microcephaly, cerebral palsy, dyskinetic tetraparesis, motor disorders of level 5 according to GMFCS, delayed psycho-speech development, chronic herpesvirus infection
ID: 9512

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


Charity donation
29.06.2024 03:53
10.00 UAH
28.06.2024 09:16
150.00 UAH
Charity donation
27.06.2024 16:34
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
27.06.2024 15:22
300.00 UAH
Charity donation
27.06.2024 01:42
5.00 UAH
All donors
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