Not to make Milana's life a burden
Not to make Milana's life a burden

Not to make Milana's life a burden

The project is carried by
Started: 29.09.2015
Volyn region, Liuboml
Totally raised
10986.0 UAH
Total goal
10986.00 UAH

The girl is 7 month old, and she has sided vascular malformations, so-called "wine stain" on her face. This is a very difficult cosmetic defect, which in our country can not be repaired for free. But it is possible for the money. Pay for expensive procedures parents of Milana have not possible. Meanwhile, remove the "wine stain" is necessary, otherwise the girl will grow up very, very difficult. If not treated early, glaucoma and even epilepsy can appear. 

- Milana, was born with a spot on the right side of her face - it was noticeable even in the hospital. When I woke up from the anesthesia, my husband, with tears in his eyes, told me the bad news, which led me into shock. We then did not know how to react to it, and where to find the solution of our problem, - says Alina, girl's mother.

- Then I thought, maybe it is some kind of trauma, crushed, because the birth was very difficult. My husband and I had hoped and very expected that the spot will disappear by itself. But it has not disappeared. Still.

In a small town Lyuboml that is in the Volyn region, where live family of Shvalikovsky, doctors did not know what to do with the spot. Life is not threatened, and to the point. What more do parents want? But mom of girl with doctors strongly disagrees.

- It is very important time to remove the horror while Milana did not realize that she is not like other children. And while it has not started to tease - says Alina.

- We are already on the street after watching. It hurts the soul, when unfamiliar people begin to question what is on her daughters face, and the kids ask their mothers why the girls face is like that. I'm even afraid to imagine what will happen when my little daughter will start to understand everything, and she will have to answer these questions.

Girl really do not notice the problems. She loves to travel, to be among the people. She loves to play with kids. Milana has a favorite toy the teddy bear, with whom she falls asleep and wakes up. Also Milana loves to swing on a swing - in street and home. Loud laughs and screams in pleasure.

Milana likes walking and laughing. But travel to Kiev Institute of dermatology Dr. Bogomolets - she not particularly likes. During the procedure, when the "wine stain" is treating with a pulsed laser, Milana is very much crying and the covenant of her mother, because the parents are not with her. Although doctors Alina and assure that it is completely painless, and the feeling is not stronger than the cold water, she is still in this hard to believe, and a daughter, she is going through. Moreover, after years of manipulation have already done under located anesthesia, so that the child was no trauma.

Treatment is difficult and long. But doctors and parents of Milana notice that the first two procedures have proven effective and are sure to continue. Total may be required to hold 8 to 12 such procedures. Only now they are very expensive. Impossibly expensive for sitting in the decree of Alina and her odd jobs husband Oleg. Even if he finds a permanent job, all the same in a small provincial town, the money for the treatment of Milana he would does not earn. In the first cycle of treatments the girl's parents have spent all lump sum childbirth, but it was not enough. Alina and Oleg very worried that they can not help their little daughter. If they do not remove the stain now, over the years it can darken even more. So, serious psychological problems the girl assured - she will avoid people, will not be able to adapt to the children's collective.

- You know, in our country, these children are treated free nowhere - in public hospitals simply do not have such device - lamenting Alina.

- Why is that? There must be some rules?!

That's what I think - why? Why the state does not even think to take care of his little citizen of Milana Shvalikovsky to grow beautiful and happy. But we can think about it and help, right?


Name: Milana O. Shvalikovska, born 24.02.2015

Location: Volyn region, Lyuboml

Diagnosis: monolateral sided vascular malformation facial skin along the second branch of the trigeminal nerve

ID: 1743
Charity donation
08.11.2015 13:20
150.00 UAH
Charity donation
31.10.2015 19:47
20.00 UAH
Charity donation
30.10.2015 22:00
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
27.10.2015 15:57
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
27.10.2015 12:49
40.00 UAH
All donors

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