Unbreakable Yana run for the defender
Unbreakable Yana run for the defender

Unbreakable Yana run for the defender

The project is carried by
Started: 01.04.2024
Totally raised
615000.0 UAH
Total goal
615000.00 UAH
14.06.2024 17:23
Підписали контракт з OttoBock
Oleksandr Kobzarev CO "CF "Unbroken"
Підписали контракт з OttoBock
Підписали контракт на поставку компонентів для бігового протезу для військового Олександра Рясного. Оскільки, контракт підписано, очікуємо на поставку замовлення найближчим часом!   Дякуємо усім донорам!…
11.05.2024 10:59
Наближаємо Олександра до мрії!
Oleksandr Kobzarev CO "CF "Unbroken"
Наближаємо Олександра до мрії!
Наша команда успішно розпочала перемовини із Першим територіальним медичним обʼєднання м. Львова та постачальником компонентів для бігового протезу захиснику Олександру Рясному. Перемовини вийши на фінальний етап, …
17.04.2024 14:56
The project is now closed. Yana raised 615,000 UAH for a prosthesis for a Ukrainian defender!
dobro.ua dobro.ua ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace"
The project is now closed. Yana raised 615,000 UAH for a prosthesis for a Ukrainian defender!
"I am very worried that there will be a lot of people. And whether I will be able to run at all," said Yana Stepanenko before the race in Boston. As a result, the girl ran all 5 kilometres of the Boston Marathon…
17.04.2024 12:32
Thanks to everyone who made Yana's dream come true!
dobro.ua dobro.ua ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace"
Thanks to everyone who made Yana's dream come true!
On 16 April, Yana and her brother Yarchyk celebrated their birthday. Yana and Yarchyk Stepanenko turned 13 years old! And the benefactors who supported and closed the collection for a prosthesis for defender Oleksa…
16.04.2024 12:10
Yana Stepanenko, the 12-year-old, completed the 5 km distance of the Boston Marathon on prostheses
dobro.ua dobro.ua ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace"
Yana Stepanenko, the 12-year-old, completed the 5 km distance of the Boston Marathon on prostheses
Yana Stepanenko, a 12-year-old ambassador of the UNBROKEN Centre, showed the world that Ukraine is unbreakable! With this race, the girl raised UAH 615,000 to buy a running prosthesis for defender Oleksandr Ryas…
01.04.2024 10:49
Start of the project.
Charity donation
16.04.2024 02:38
0.18 UAH
Charity donation
16.04.2024 02:36
2721.48 UAH
Charity donation
16.04.2024 02:26
989.34 UAH
Charity donation
16.04.2024 02:15
1978.69 UAH
Charity donation
16.04.2024 01:36
791.47 UAH
All donors

Thank you for your support!


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