Yana Stepanenko, the 12-year-old, completed the 5 km distance of the Boston Marathon on prostheses

Yana Stepanenko, a 12-year-old ambassador of the UNBROKEN Centre, showed the world that Ukraine is unbreakable!

With this race, the girl raised UAH 615,000 to buy a running prosthesis for defender Oleksandr Ryasnyi, who lost his limb and plans to return to the frontline anyway.  Oleksandr also dreams of running. Yana plans to take part in the next marathon together with the defender and has already agreed to train together! Yana travelled to the United States at the invitation of the One World Strong Foundation, which helps veterans and civilians affected by terrorist attacks and military operations.

We sincerely thank all the benefactors who supported Yana's charity initiative. We admire our unbreakable Ukrainian!

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