No! An insidious disease will not defeat Maksym!
No! An insidious disease will not defeat Maksym!

No! An insidious disease will not defeat Maksym!

The project is carried by
Started: 14.03.2023
Vinnytsia region
Totally raised
26240.0 UAH
Total goal
26240.00 UAH

This cute boy's name is Maksym. He is eight years old, he goes to the first grade. He wants to be like all children, play with a ball, ride a bicycle, go fishing... Now he can't do this, because of the Charcot-Marie-Tutta disease, which caused the curvature of the feet, and other difficulties that prevent him from living the full life.

This disease is very insidious, it can appear in early childhood at some people, in other people – in adolescence, and it can differ  depending on the form. Some people may not feel any changes at all when the disease is in the mild stage.

Maksym developed this disease at the age of two, when Maksym was actively learning to walk, and from that time his family had noticed that something went wrong... After that, the boy passed tests for a long, long time, the mother was looking for proper doctors and solutions on how to help and cure her son.

Now we already know what we are dealing with, but still, in addition to the physical, there is a psychological development delay.  

Today, Maksym moves to school and for walks in the wheelchair, at home he tries to walk by himself as much as possible. In spring, an operation on his legs is planned, and then there will be several months in plaster and the long rehabilitation period, after which Maksym will learn to walk again.

For the five years of treatment, the family spent all their savings, and now they are asking everyone who cares to help raise funds for the treatment and rehabilitation at the "Institute of Pain Problems" clinic in Kyiv.

Full name: Karavaev Maksym, 15.02.2015
City: Sharhorod, Vinnitsa region
Diagnosis: Charcot-Marie-Tutta disease
ID: 8563
Charity donation
14.04.2023 23:13
7980.54 UAH
Charity donation
10.04.2023 22:49
1000.00 UAH
Charity donation
08.04.2023 22:23
380.00 UAH
Максим Де
08.04.2023 02:00
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
06.04.2023 22:55
800.00 UAH
All donors

Thank you for your support!


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