Ocean of music: music therapy for children on the autism spectrum
Ocean of music: music therapy for children on the autism spectrum

Ocean of music: music therapy for children on the autism spectrum

The project is carried by
Started: 20.04.2023
Totally raised
3577.5 UAH
Total goal
3577.50 UAH

Being inspired by the sound of rustling grass, picking out melodies from a breeze or the rustling of book pages is a unique ability that most children with autism have. It is believed that only one in 10,000 people have an absolute ear for music, and many of these uniquely talented individuals have autism spectrum disorders.

For children on the autism spectrum who were forced to leave their homes because of the war, music is more than just beautiful sounds. It is a way of communicating with the world. That is why specialists often use music therapy to work with children with autism spectrum disorders. This is a whole psychotherapeutic direction based on the positive impact of music on the psychological state of a person. Music therapy promotes the formation of new neural connections in the brain, so for children whose childhood was marred by war, this technique has even more advantages. For example, for children on the autism spectrum, music relieves tension and stress, stimulates intellectual development, significantly improves attention, develops memory, speech, and balances the child's hyperactivity.

The specialists of LEVCHYK SPECTRUM HUB are well acquainted with the therapeutic features of music. This is a free center for the adaptation and development of IDP children on the autism spectrum living in Lviv, created by the team of the Charitable Organization "Future for Ukraine". In February of this year, the hub welcomed its first 20 pupils, for whom specialists have already conducted about 500 correctional sessions in just one month of work!

The mission of the LEVCHYK SPECTRUM HUB is to help families with children with autism spectrum disorders adapt to new living conditions during the war and do everything possible to ensure the harmonious integration of children into society. The hub's specialists conduct correctional programs for them, using the most effective methods and tools. Music therapy is one of them.

The hub has already allocated a large art room, which the team dreams of equipping with musical instruments to provide regular music therapy sessions to improve their mental health and integration. In particular, they plan to purchase a piano, a drum set, speakers, and musical instruments for children aged 2-5. The cost of realizing this dream is UAH 400,000.

To raise the necessary amount, the LEVCHYK SPECTRUM HUB team needs support. One cup of untasted coffee or an unbought trinket in a shopping center can become a contribution to the future of Ukrainian children. Once the music art room is equipped, LEVCHYK SPECTRUM HUB will be able to provide 2400 music lessons a year to children on the autism spectrum.

Join us in raising funds for a wonderful and useful case!

UPD: the name of the project have been updated. Old project name: "Music therapy for children with autism spectrum".

ID: 8703
Charity donation
01.01.2024 16:26
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
17.09.2023 15:44
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.08.2023 02:31
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
15.08.2023 04:33
16.00 UAH
Charity donation
24.06.2023 20:11
10.00 UAH
All donors

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