Winning is there where is progress
Winning is there where is progress

Winning is there where is progress

The project is carried by
Started: 12.12.2013
Dnipropetrovs'k reg
Totally raised
6860.0 UAH
Total goal
6860.00 UAH

Under the tutelage of the Charitable Fund «Kiddo» is a small boy - three-year-old child Timurchik Samarkin. Our Timur has cerebral spastic infantile paralysis. Boy is sorely in need of a regular and systematic therapy - rehabilitation in Clinic of medical rehabilitation. Unfortunately, Timur’s parents don’t have enough money to pay for these courses. Our foundation raises money for their family to send the boy on the next course of treatment.

Timurchik - long-awaited child for the whole family, everybody loves him. Baby was born at the 30th week of pregnancy. It was a difficult birth, and as a result - central nervous system damage and eventually diagnosed with cerebral palsy. And since that time, we started our fight for the boy's health. Thanks to the active rehabilitation courses we can see a positive trend. Treatment of cerebral spastic infantile paralysis is a long and multiphase process. Our boy changed a lot for all time of the treatment. After the first course of rehabilitation Timur became more confident, started to hold the head, to keep small toys and then more extensive. Now he can sit, walks with the support, tries to eat by himself, says a few words, knows some letters and numbers. He tries very hard!

Parents do their best to perform effective treatments and conduct all procedures. The boy endure suffering, all the procedures. We know that the most important point to achieve maximum results - are regular employments. Timur - sociable and friendly kid, loves attention, loves other children. For a kid almost every day brings something new. He's very purposeful, understands everything, diligently performs tasks on LFK.

Timur’s doctor recommends undergoing rehabilitation at the International Clinic of Rehabilitation prof. Kozijavkin. All courses of treatments kid successfully pass with the help of caring people.

Unfortunately, the family simply does not have enough funds. Parents ask to help them to whip-round for rehabilitation for their son, because they want to see their boy happy and healthy!

Name: Timur Samarkin, 14.11.2010 date of birth

City: Dnipropetrovsk region

Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy 

ID: 785
19.12.2013 10:39
3839.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.12.2013 09:58
20.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.12.2013 09:57
10.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.12.2013 00:45
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.12.2013 00:11
100.00 UAH
All donors

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