Preparation for bone marrow transplantation under control
Preparation for bone marrow transplantation under control

Preparation for bone marrow transplantation under control

The project is carried by
Started: 30.05.2018
Totally raised
31453.0 UAH
Total goal
31453.00 UAH

When a person is sick or ill, he/she turns to doctors in the hope of getting timely qualified help. Doctors prescribe a treatment regimen and monitor the proper administration of medications, patient’s general state and condition, etc. It should be so: doctors shall treat people, and we shall pay taxes to the state and have the right to rely on help.

It's no secret that medicine is catastrophically underresourced in our country, it is not sufficiently financed. So this means that the services of medical institutions leave much to be desired. Well, if children's medicine is more or less under control, adult patients not having much money have no one who they can count on. It is a fact.

Our organization helps not only children but also the adult population. This is the most unprotected category of people whose treatment costs huge amounts. In the Oncohematological Department of Kyiv Centre for Bone Marrow Transplantation, adult patients are treated and prepared for transplantation. To provide quality care to its patients, the department needs some financial and equipment support.

Currently, the department needs a patient monitor for the normal work of the medical personnel. This equipment will allow them to monitor the state/condition of seriously ill patients and control their basic physiological parameters. This is necessary in order to react and regulate the patient's condition instantly in case of deterioration. We have found the best option for such a monitor. It includes all the necessary functions for a reasonable price. Its cost is UAH 31 453.

Friends, helpmates and all not indifferent people! We kindly ask you! Please take part in the collection of UAH 31 452 for the purchase of a patient monitor for the Oncohematological Department of Kyiv Centre for Bone Marrow Transplantation!
This is necessary for the medical personnel and all patients of the Department!

ID: 4091
Charity donation
15.03.2019 22:22
976.61 UAH
Charity donation
15.03.2019 15:59
25000.00 UAH
Анна Нарбутович
16.01.2019 11:46
101.96 UAH
Кот Русич
10.01.2019 23:06
299.39 UAH
Charity donation
07.01.2019 20:25
101.92 UAH
All donors

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