Give a second wind to the kids
Give a second wind to the kids

Give a second wind to the kids

The project is carried by
Started: 10.10.2017
Totally raised
314568.0 UAH
Total goal
314568.00 UAH

The tiny body behind the glass of the intensive care unit, many tubes stretched to it, an artificial ventilation device is connected to the lungs. Only yesterday baby saw the world, but he has already come through a heart defect surgery. Ingenious doctors have done a miracle – heartbeats and want to live. However... for some reason the baby cannot breathe on its own. So begin a marathon for his breath and life. 

Mykyta is one of 5 thousand babies who is born with severe pathologies of the heart. More than 3 thousand such babies immediately get under the care of doctors of the National Center of Pediatric Cardiology and Surgery. These doctors have recently turned a deadly diagnosis into a curable illness. Every day they overcome the marathon distance in 10 rescued children's hearts.

Often during the after-surgery time while a newborn’s lungs are artificially ventilated, their tracheas, instead of learning to work independently, are atrophied and injured. Fiberotic bronchoscope – is the medical device that helps to identify this, to understand why a child does not breathe. Also, it helps pump off the sputum accumulated in the atrophied trachea.

There is the bronchoscope Olimpus BF-XP60 in Center for Pediatric Cardiology and Cardio Surgery. But now it is broken. The kids cannot leave the intensive care because of its absence. Its repair costs 460 000 UAH. Every day, it can breathe life into a child. We want to renovate a fiberotic bronchoscope and to give these children such an easy but very effective help.

ID: 3441
Charity donation
21.12.2018 14:11
218637.34 UAH
Charity donation
19.12.2018 17:03
305.88 UAH
Charity donation
19.12.2018 14:04
300.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.12.2018 11:53
152.75 UAH
Charity donation
18.12.2018 17:45
500.00 UAH
All donors

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