Tablets for babies. 4
Tablets for babies. 4

Tablets for babies. 4

The project is carried by
Started: 19.06.2019
Totally raised
11817.0 UAH
Total goal
11817.00 UAH

We have a big dream – that our beneficiaries, children with limited abilities turned in a happy adult with unlimited possibilities. This is why we do not get tired of asking you, again and again, to help Nastia, to help Masha, to help Andrii and Sasha. And you do help! To get on rehab, to do surgery, to undergo a course of treatment, to buy the necessary medicines, diapers, special meals, manuals, and even to please the children with the presents for the holidays.

And when we see how these kids come alive, they start to move, gain weight, make their first sounds, take their first steps; when the pain goes away, the body is filled with force, the face shines with a smile, and the mind becomes more plastic and livelier – we understand that all this is not in vain. This is our greatest motivation not to stop. This is your biggest motivation to come back again and again on the first call. Today, 4 of our children need a course of medical treatment. They have all different diagnoses, but they all share one wish – to become healthy. We hope that this time the children will not remain without help, and will receive the medicine.

Thanks to the all indifferent hearts!

ID: 5198
Татьяна Грищенко
22.08.2019 09:31
248.60 UAH
Аксинья Бурлака
22.08.2019 08:57
10.18 UAH
Дмитро І Анастасія
22.08.2019 08:43
50.92 UAH
Charity donation
21.08.2019 17:31
71.28 UAH
Charity donation
21.08.2019 16:07
20.00 UAH
All donors

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