Pills for old people. 3
Pills for old people. 3

Pills for old people. 3

The project is carried by
Started: 20.12.2017
Totally raised
11315.0 UAH
Total goal
11315.00 UAH

In 2014 first residence of Donbas left their homes because of the war and risks for life. They thought they will just temporary wait until the fighting will be over. But already for three years, they are trying to settle down in the new place. For elderly people, it is extremely hard.

With the support of Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace and people who care we have already provided 14 elderly IDPs with the life-saving medication. Here are the stories of four of them, for whom we are raising funds today. Before the war Ludmila lived in the private house in Donetsk. One day she was under fire and was wounded and explosion cut her hand. Fortunately, doctors saved her hand. After the surgery Ludmila fled to Kiev. But the outcomes of the injury appeared – diabetes, hypertension, heart failure...

Dmytro, who is 78, is retired man from Donetsk. He had everything he needed for the happy life – beloved wife, friends, children and grandchildren. It seemed nothing could interrupt such bright and easy life. But the war happened. They had to leave everything. Couple experienced severe stress. Everything around was unfamiliar. Soon after, Dmytro felt and broke his hand and in a month – hip. He underwent hard surgery to implant prosthesis. And in a month he found out that during the surgery he got infection and now he needs surgery again.

The story of Lubov as an IDP started in June 2014. She was planning to leave for two weeks and turn out she is now away from home for already 3 years. With herself Lubov took only couple of summer dresses. He husband was left in Luhansk. Their house is bordering the frontline. Because of the shelling, husband had a stroke. Every conversation with the husband is priceless, since it can be the last one, there, where he is there is no proper medical care. Moving from home and worrying for the husband affected Ludmila's health.

Myhailo is former paratrooper and miner. When his family was running away from Donbas, he had a stroke. Than a gangrene on the leg developed. Doctors wanted to cut his leg, but only his fingers were cut. Due to the medication, which you helped to buy – his disease was stopped and he feels better. But he still needs treatment.

Your support, understanding and care bring warms to the wounded souls of these elderly, and give them strength to cope with the terrible circumstances.

ID: 3647
Charity donation
11.01.2018 16:01
0.16 UAH
Charity donation
11.01.2018 15:57
1284.00 UAH
Интернет-магазин "Домовята"
11.01.2018 12:59
15.27 UAH
Charity donation
11.01.2018 00:33
50.93 UAH
Charity donation
10.01.2018 22:24
26.00 UAH
All donors

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