Philip survived himself and helps others
Philip survived himself and helps others

Philip survived himself and helps others

The project is carried by
Started: 11.03.2020
Totally raised
133000.0 UAH
Total goal
133000.00 UAH

The purpose of this project was to raise funds to pay for the operation to replace the hip joints of Philip Sukhoparov. At the age of 16, Philip had a terrible accident. Just hit the passenger seat. The guy miraculously survived. The operation was planned at the Military Medical Clinical Center of the Southern Region (Odessa), but due to the quarantine, the hospital primarily operates the military and doctors. So we had to change the clinic. The operation could be performed at the Center for Traumatology and Orthopedics (Chernivtsi, Ukraine). We received two bills - for medical services and for components. The cost of the operation and components was higher, so we asked the ICB "UBB" with a request (Letter №2-B from 02.02.2021) to increase the amount of the fee from 113400.00 UAH. up to UAH 215600.00 In September 2021, the dollar fell slightly and we were able to reduce the amount of the fee. According to Letter №20-В dated 08.09.2021, the amount was reduced from UAH 215,600.00. up to UAH 133,000.00 September 13, 2021 funds in the amount of UAH 133,000.00. our Foundation received from ICB "UBB" for the project. On November 13, 2021, Philip underwent left hip arthroplasty.

Summary cost table
Costs Sum (UAH)
Treatment 133000.00
Total project costs 133000.00
Remnant 0.00
Total 133000.00
Charity donation
11.09.2021 20:10
1214.49 UAH
Charity donation
11.09.2021 19:19
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
11.09.2021 11:01
5.18 UAH
11.09.2021 08:13
261.71 UAH
Charity donation
11.09.2021 02:19
39.71 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

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