Hear the voice of my mother
Hear the voice of my mother

Hear the voice of my mother

The project is carried by
Started: 10.10.2017
Kharkiv region
Totally raised
38100.0 UAH
Total goal
38100.00 UAH

A mother writes to us: "The birth was heavy. My son cried not at once - the perinatal lesion of the central nervous system. Immediately in the hospital prescribed medication. Were on the account of a neurologist. Up to 2 years the son developed as an ordinary child, spoke, played with children, and even went to the garden. But not for long. After 2 years, Nodarchik stopped talking, calling me mom, looking into my eyes, calling my own name, fearing people and the world around him, shutting down in himself, hysterical, could wake up at night and stay awake for a couple of hours.

It seemed to us that the son had lost his hearing. From that day until today we go to hospitals and rehabilitation centers in search of help for your beloved son. We were diagnosed with a lot of problems: autistic spectrum disorder, developmental delay against metabolic disorders, hyperhomocysteinemia, lactase deficiency, gluten intolerance. Medicines and a lifelong diet. At the moment we are undergoing treatment at the Center for Stimulation of the Brain. The amount for rehabilitation is not uplifting for our family".

Baby with mom is hoping for your help. Let's support brave and purposeful children - together with us they will overcome all obstacles!


Name: Gvazava Nodar, 04.09.2012

City: Savyntsi town, Kharkiv region

Diagnosis: autism, developmental delay against a background of metabolic disorders, hyperhomocysteinemia

ID: 3439
Charity donation
01.11.2017 09:43
317.54 UAH
Charity donation
01.11.2017 08:32
509.81 UAH
Charity donation
01.11.2017 08:24
243.00 UAH
Charity donation
01.11.2017 08:13
1000.00 UAH
Charity donation
01.11.2017 07:11
100.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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