Give troubled teens future
Give troubled teens future

Give troubled teens future

The project is carried by
Started: 27.02.2014
Totally raised
22155.0 UAH
Total goal
22155.00 UAH

Not all children are the same. Some children are supported by their parents. Others may be on a slippery road because no one takes care of them. Our aim is to raise funds so that low-income children have access to computers, i.e., something that is a norm for many. We do this to help them expand their worldview and enter into adulthood instead of ending up with a syringe or a glass in hand, or in prison for juveniles.

‘We should not wrestle with the consequences but with a cause!’ This is the main slogan of the ‘Ticket to Success’, social project which aims to develop leadership and entrepreneurial skills in children and adolescents aged 14-17 from low-income families of Lviv and Lviv region.

The lack of computer literacy is quite common among those children. They look like ordinary children who go to regular schools, but actually, they are not. Often they have nothing to eat or even wear! Not to mention regular computer at home! They can only dream about it. The results of such illiteracy would be low qualification of future professionals, inability to hold executive positions, inferiority complex, loss of talents, as well as low level of computer literacy in society.

These children are not to blame because they were born in poor families. Apart from their parents (sick? drug addicts? alcoholics?) no one cares about them. Various charitable foundations normally attend orphanages. Who will take care of these children? They are also ‘orphans’, while being ‘social orphans.’ Therefore, using funds raised here we will purchase half of the required quantity of laptops for computer lab, repair works of which have already begun. The project partner is the Lviv Institute of Management, providing premises where the education of low-income children would be carried out.

ID: 875
Charity donation
21.01.2015 13:13
12055.00 UAH
Сергей Игоревич
19.01.2015 11:32
2000.00 UAH
Віталій Белей
16.01.2015 16:35
300.00 UAH
Charity donation
16.01.2015 11:23
1678.00 UAH
Charity donation
07.01.2015 15:30
321.00 UAH
All donors

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