Present Easter to the old people!
Present Easter to the old people!

Present Easter to the old people!

The project is carried by
Started: 26.03.2018
Totally raised
15000.0 UAH
Total goal
15000.00 UAH

– Christ is risen!– Truly risen!The Bright Resurrection of Christ, Easter, the greatest holiday for all Orthodox Christians. In the preparatory period, Orthodox Christians pray intensely, fast, confess, receive communion, engage in charity. And on the night of resurrection, they pack Easter basket and go to church to hear the blessings.

For elderly people, this holiday is very important. When they come back from the church, they will sit at the festive table. And how the table will look like for them, in many ways depends on us! We want to give a holiday to those elderly who have to celebrate Easter far from home.

Their houses and quite a life were taken away by the war in the Donbass. They are forced to wander and to be hosted by strangers or to spend their entire pension on the rent. Their savings on a "rainy day" are already spent. And holidays are possible only with the help of philanthropists. We want 30 elderly IDPs (in the age from 65 to 92) to feel themselves at home on this bright day, to taste the delicious Easter-bread, to present to their neighbors an Easter egg, and to have their souls filled with love, kindness, and hope.

– Christ is risen!
– Truly risen!

ID: 3916
Charity donation
06.04.2018 00:23
1110.48 UAH
Charity donation
05.04.2018 22:44
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
05.04.2018 22:39
49.90 UAH
Charity donation
05.04.2018 20:43
203.67 UAH
Charity donation
05.04.2018 19:55
305.88 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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