Give Zlata miracle! - Stage 3
Give Zlata miracle! - Stage 3

Give Zlata miracle! - Stage 3

The project is carried by
Started: 01.08.2016
Poltava region
Totally raised
7069.0 UAH
Total goal
7069.00 UAH

Inspired by the success of cooperation with the Ukrainian Charities, the family of Zlata. believed that their request will not be ignored. And now the caring family is appealing to good people to help them! Many courses of rehabilitation, as well as the faith and prayers of Zlata mother, great force of the girl , her strong desire to live without restrictions were not in vain.

Now Zlata can sit. Now it is necessary to carry out the next course of rehabilitation at the International Clinic Rehabilitation. It is impossible to stop! It is necessary to achieve the main goal - to teach Zlata to walk on her own and live a full life.

But again  question is in the money. Clinic, which treated Zlata, do treatment  in debt, and now the family need to pay the debt.

CF "New Wave 3000" requesting help and support Zlata, who withstood so many trials, so it put a lot of effort loving mother to Zlata was healthy. 

We are appealing to you with the request to give a chance, because without our support Zlata will not be able to make her dream true- to be healthy! To overcome
cerebral palsy!


Name: Zlatoslava Y. Pastushenko, born 14.02.2010

Location: Poltava region

Diagnosis: G 80.0 cerebral palsy, spastic tetraplegia. Psycho verbal development delay. Movement disorders of IV degree according to GMFCS classification

ID: 2373
Charity donation
04.08.2016 13:24
490.00 UAH
Володимир Вербовий
04.08.2016 12:58
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
04.08.2016 11:49
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
04.08.2016 11:23
60.00 UAH
Charity donation
04.08.2016 10:25
107.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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