Give Aaron a chance for a happy childhood!
Give Aaron a chance for a happy childhood!

Give Aaron a chance for a happy childhood!

The project is carried by
Started: 17.05.2021
Totally raised
29850.0 UAH
Total goal
29850.00 UAH

It is hard to imagine how the feelings of children that can hear the voices of their parents but can not see them. It is hard to imagine the feelings of children that have not seen the beauty of the sky and the world around us. Hard to imagine the pain these children must be experiencing because they can not play with other children. But we can support a child that has a change to heal and be able to see! 

Little Aaron was born prematurely weighing 790g. After a while, his mother realized that Aaron is not able to see. In the first months of his life, Aaron underwent the necessary surgery, and in the following years he underwent many rehabilitation courses. The boy has retinopathy of prematurity of the 5th degree, blindness. With each rehabilitation, Aaron becomes stronger and healthier. Aaron has the contour vision now and distinguishes between light and darkness. This progress is the result of Aaron's hard work. 

In September, Aaron is hoping to attend a necessary rehabilitation course at the Tomatis-Ukraine Rehabilitation Center, Kharkiv. The cost of the course amounts to UAH 29,850. Unfortunately, Aaron's mother can not afford such a costly treatment. 

We request you to support this project and help Aaron take another step towards recovery. He really wants to see his mom's face and enjoy a happy childhood!

Full name: Keyan Aaron, 24.03.2012
City: Zaporizhzhia
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, lower spastic paraperesis with shortening of the lower limb
ID: 7096
Charity donation
02.08.2021 00:45
6327.80 UAH
Charity donation
01.08.2021 22:57
101.96 UAH
Charity donation
01.08.2021 21:33
50.00 UAH
Роман К
01.08.2021 16:51
101.83 UAH
Charity donation
01.08.2021 10:01
1000.00 UAH
All donors

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