Give Dima the freedom to breathe
Give Dima the freedom to breathe

Give Dima the freedom to breathe

The project is carried by
Started: 31.07.2020
Vinnytsia region
Totally raised
15750.0 UAH
Total goal
15750.00 UAH

Dima needs the help of an oxygen concentrator to breathe freely. He has already received one device from the fund before, but now it is not enough – Dima needs a more powerful one. An evil disease lives inside Dima and gradually destroys his lungs, breathing becomes increasingly difficult for him, especially during exacerbation of lung infections.  

For those having cystic fibrosis it is extremely difficult to cure the infections completely - they often become chronic. But you can keep them under control with medications, clean the lungs as much as possible and use special devices. You don't have to suffocate.

The oxygen concentrator is easy to use. Through a special filter it separates almost pure oxygen directly from the surrounding air (concentration about 92%) and delivers it directly to the patient's nose. You can bring and use the concentrator at home and the patient remains at home, in his room, next to his loved ones, otherwise he would have to move to intensive care. With oxygen concentrator the patient can get on with his life. He can decide himself when he needs to use the device, and when he feels quite stable and can disconnect it and even go out somewhere on business. There is no hospital regime for him, no "white ceiling of resuscitation" that is the only picture he usually sees…

Having its own powerful oxygen apparatus, even a very seriously ill person with oxygen deficiency can just live.

We ask you to support this project and give Dima the freedom to breathe and live at home.


Name: Vovk Dmytro, 31.05.1992

City: Nemyriv, Vinnytsia region

Diagnosis: cystic fibrosis


ID: 6227
Charity donation
30.08.2020 02:33
882.89 UAH
Charity donation
29.08.2020 23:53
5505.91 UAH
Charity donation
28.08.2020 23:13
300.00 UAH
Charity donation
28.08.2020 13:29
10.00 UAH
Charity donation
27.08.2020 09:06
509.81 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

Thank you for your support!

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