Give Dmytro a chance to take a step on his feet!
Give Dmytro a chance to take a step on his feet!

Give Dmytro a chance to take a step on his feet!

Started: 14.02.2022
Totally raised
11494.00 UAH
Total goal
11494.00 UAH

Dmitry Gusevуk is 11 years old. He is a cheerful, smiling and positive boy, but he is bedridden due to a serious illness. Cerebral palsy with a "bouquet" of concomitant diseases does not allow the boy to develop, talk, and walk. Parents make every effort to put their son on his feet. Daily rehabilitation sessions at home, exercise therapy, massages, and much more provide a boost in development, but without constant rehabilitation in special institutions, all this is in vain.

Dima was born on March 24, 2010. Then a month in the intensive care and pathology for newborns and Dmytro was discharged from the hospital with a whole "bouquet" of diseases: cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis, mental retardation, microcephaly, episyndrome.

Dima still does not walk, does not sit, does not speak. All the money in the family goes to his treatment. For 11 years of his life, his parents do everything they can to improve the child's condition. Since the age of two months, Dima has been undergoing therapeutic massage courses, physical education, a swimming pool, and hippotherapy. He underwent the course of rehabilitation treatment at the International Kozyavkin clinic in Truskavets, underwent many rehabilitation courses in the Khmelnytsky rehabilitation center "Apis Milifica".

Now Dmytro needs rehabilitation at the Center for Disease Control and Prevention "Halychyna". Here his parents received hope for the improvement of the boy's health. But the next course costs a lot of money, and the resources of parents are limited. In order to start the treatment scheduled for April 4th, 18,750 UAH are needed. And parents can't make it on their own.

Despite the fact that Dima is constantly pursued by diseases, he grows up being a cheerful boy. He likes to listen to music and fairy tales, and enjoys spending time with their cat. Dima has a chance to take the first steps, but he cannot do it without your help. 

Support the family. Support Dima.

Full name: Gusevуk Dmytro, 24.03.2010
City: Rivne
Diagnosis: Cerebral palsy, spastic tetraparesis, mental retardation, microcephaly, episyndrome
ID: 7929
Charity donation
11.03.2022 11:24
100.00 UAH
Yevgen Grynke
10.03.2022 13:54
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
06.03.2022 23:19
250.00 UAH
Charity donation
03.03.2022 19:20
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
03.03.2022 07:27
30.00 UAH
All donors

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