News for philanthropists

Dear benefactors! We are happy to inform you that an interim report on the implementation of this project has been added to the Documentation section. 

In connection with the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation troops on the territory of Ukraine and the introduction of martial law in our country since February 24, 2022, in April 2022, it was decided to evacuate the children of our Center to the Federal Republic of Germany, where they are currently staying. 

Therefore, we had to ask for permission to transfer part of the funds raised within this project for the further purchase of food for the children of the Center at the place of their temporary stay - in the cities of Kahl groBkrotzenburg and Aizenau, Aschaffenburg in Germany.

For these funds, our employees purchased food to prepare delicious breakfasts and dinners for the children: vegetables, fruits, bread, butter, milk, pasta, tea, sweets.

The German charity organization provides the children with meals free of charge.

All the children of the Center and the staff of the City of Happy Children are grateful to those who participated in the project and made their charitable donations. We thank Svetlana Panaiotidi and her friends! As long as there are people in Ukraine and abroad who realize the responsibility and the need to help disadvantaged children, these children will not be left without support.

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