A full life with autism. 2
A full life with autism. 2

A full life with autism. 2

Started: 23.09.2021
Totally raised
17100.0 UAH
Total goal
17100.00 UAH

Since childhood, Petro has been suffering from autism spectrum disorder and other related diagnoses. The simplest actions cause difficulties for him, the boy has significant problems with understanding, he still has not learned to speak normally. Petro's family has many children, they lives on social assistance and, unfortunately, does not have the means to continue paying for rehabilitation courses for the boy, which he really needs. 

Until the age of 7, Petia did not speak at all and did not even repeat the words after his parents. After the first course of treatment at the Tomatis center, he started repeating words on the third attempt (and it was a huge progress), after the second treatment he did it the first time, after the third course Petro could repeat a couple of words. Yes, the boy repeated them, but these were not conscious and thoughtless actions, but they testified to a good dynamics of development. 

As a first grader, Petro could not complete elementary tasks on his own. Mom spent six months explaining to her son information about adding and subtracting numbers, but it was very difficult for the boy to understand it. After the rehabilitation course, which Petro underwent this summer, he began to perform simple tasks. Of course, he does not yet do it on his own, but he understands the condition of the task immediately. And this is a wonderful progress! 

According to doctors, Petro most likely has an inactive part of the brain that is responsible for understanding and producing speech, so he still does not speak. Now the main task is to activate it, because the younger the child is, the faster it is stimulated. Now his needs to undergo sound-frequency therapy according to the Tomatis method and bioacoustic correction of the brain (BAC). In general, such therapeutic courses need to be taken several times a year, but now we are starting to raise funds for one such course of treatment. 
Petro's progress from rehabilitation means that the boy has a chance to recover! Help him!

Full name: Osmachko Petro, 09.12.2011
City: Kharkiv
Diagnosis: Autism spectrum disorder, sensory-motor alalia, MMD, mental retardation, hyperactivity
ID: 7441
Charity donation
22.01.2022 17:27
1566.90 UAH
Charity donation
22.01.2022 16:36
40.00 UAH
Charity donation
22.01.2022 12:20
40.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.01.2022 21:48
20.00 UAH
21.01.2022 21:30
120.00 UAH
All donors

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