Show kindness – help lonely pensioners! 2
Show kindness – help lonely pensioners! 2

Show kindness – help lonely pensioners! 2

The project is carried by
Started: 02.06.2017
Donetsk region
Totally raised
17980.00 UAH
Total goal
17980.00 UAH

The fund applied church elder from the village Novomyhailivka, Donetsk region. Constant shelling and explosions these people hear and see with their own eyes. More than 8 years of Olexander Laptieiev takes care of single, low-income people and the elderly. It is a House of Mercy, not Home nursing, as it is called, "holds" and operates through rector of church Igor, who care and simply through good and not indifferent people.

During this time the House of Mercy found more than 129 people. Now there is 30 stationary single elderly people, 15 of them seriously ill and lying. After shelling the building suffered and mercy. There were broken windows and partially destroyed basement of the building. The war continues his dirty work and destitute elderly people seek help from various villages and towns.

"Today, with God's help in the house of mercy prepared a room for another 20 people. However, due to lack of finances, we are unable to buy even the most necessary furniture. No special tables for feeding lying retirees, and those who now live here sleep on the beds, which more than 30-40 years. For Wheelchair in our plans to build a ramp, cause now they can not even get on the street to get some air. There is a continuing need for bedding and towels. But the essentials that every day and what is sorely lacking – is diapers. Monthly output of which about 1,350 pieces," says church elder Olexander Laptieiev.

For these people your help – at the expense of gold. After all, there is a need absolutely everything, from food and personal care products – to manufacturing and repair of buildings, inhabited by those inclined people. We appeal to everyone to help support the project to show mercy and help lonely pensioners. Currently, they are in dire need of new beds and mattresses for sleeping with a bunch of diseases on beds that are simply falling apart and are propped up with bricks.

Before on UBB, we collect money for House of Mercy. To see the previous project you can use the link.

ID: 3123
Charity donation
16.07.2017 13:43
0.65 UAH
Charity donation
16.07.2017 08:14
1500.00 UAH
Дмитрий Бельдин
15.07.2017 15:18
168.00 UAH
Tanja Ertel
15.07.2017 00:00
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
14.07.2017 23:02
100.00 UAH
All donors

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