Cancer has taken away my health
Cancer has taken away my health

Cancer has taken away my health

Started: 02.09.2020
Kyiv region
Totally raised
30000.0 UAH
Total goal
30000.00 UAH

At 1 year and 2 months, Eva was diagnosed with a cancerous tumor, in stage 4, with metastases to the liver and lungs, Eva underwent 8 blocks of chemotherapy, and 2 surgeries, the first removed the tumor and part of the spine with the coccyx, and six months later she had a recurrence, metastases in the lungs, in the second operation the girl had part of the lung removed. Unfortunately, the high-dose chemistry that saved Eva did no less harm to her.

When Eva was diagnosed with a tumor – the girl's parents were faced with the fact that, unfortunately, at such a young age in our country children are not examined for similar pathologies, so it happened with Eva. But she needed to start treatment immediately, and the attending physician, bypassing the rules and regulations, where the treatment plan was approved by the general council, started high-dose chemistry and at the first meeting and conversation with parents he said: "Masha, Artem … Eva has 30% ..".

The child is currently being treated at the Prioritet Children's Center in Kyiv. Chemotherapy has damaged the part of the brain that is responsible for coordination, language, there are problems with neurology, vision. Every six months, Eva undergoes a contrast-enhanced examination (CT scan) for metastases and more.

"In 2019, we went through a lot, and not to no avail. Unfortunately, like any treatment in our country requires funds, I work alone, Masha (Eve's mother) constantly with her. For this reason, the treatment and rehabilitation programs offered to us abroad by various funds are not available to us for obvious reasons, but we in turn are convinced that domestic specialists are no worse than foreign ones, because they helped us save our daughter, ”says father Artem.

The family is aiming for a number of rehabilitation programs at the Brain Stimulation Center in Kyiv and will be grateful for any help. Let's help Eve defeat cancer to the end and be healthy!

Full name: Vivsiannyk Eva Artemivna, 08.06.2016
City: Novosilky village, Kyiv region
Diagnosis: Condition after removal of a malignant germinogenic tumor of the pelvis, stage 4; delay of psychological development, general underdevelopment of speech with impaired emotional and volitional sphere and communicative behavior F84 / 80.1
ID: 6299
Виталий Финит
26.09.2020 17:50
253.13 UAH
Charity donation
26.09.2020 16:25
51.01 UAH
Дмитро і Анастасія Антонченко
26.09.2020 09:53
71.37 UAH
Антон Киян
26.09.2020 00:15
51.01 UAH
Charity donation
25.09.2020 21:28
51.01 UAH
All donors

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