Such different sisters
Such different sisters

Such different sisters

The project is carried by
Started: 13.06.2018
Vinnytsia region
Totally raised
29900.0 UAH
Total goal
29900.00 UAH

Maria and Daria are sisters with different fates. Girls are for 2 years. Maria is already walking, she says, rejoices. Daria does not sit, does not speak, does not walk, does not play, does not hold toys with hands, eats only liquid food... Maria has a real childhood and a healthy future, and Daria has atrophy of the brain and microcephaly of the head.

Maria and Daria are sisters with different fates. Girls are for 2 years. Maria is already walking, she says, rejoices. Daria does not sit, does not speak, does not walk, does not play, does not hold toys with hands, eats only liquid food... Maria has a real childhood and a healthy future, and Daria has atrophy of the brain and microcephaly of the head.

Pregnancy was wonderful. However, at 25 weeks after the next examination, a woman was told a terrible: fetal transfusion. In the other words, through the common blood vessels one child "pulls" the blood of another. At 30 weeks, the woman underwent surgery, and 2 girls appeared. On the third day, Daryna has a cerebral hemorrhage occurred, her brain cells began to die. Nobody gave chances to the life of the girl...

Later in Daria, they found a cytomegalovirus infection that destroyed all the organs of the child, it was getting worse and worse. A week after taking the medication and conducting a second analysis, it turned out that the infection had disappeared. Dasha started to breathe on her own, but MRI showed that the girl has total leukomalacia, brain atrophy, head microcephaly. Then the struggle for the normal life of Dasha began.

Now doctors say that Dasha has living brain cells that need to be stimulated. Then the child will be able to walk, begin to understand, perhaps, to talk. Parents were able to pay one course of rehabilitation in the Center for Brain Stimulation. Daria became much better, she became calmer, she began to sleep better. Such treatment should be done every 3 months, but parents are so financially depleted that they can not afford to pay the next rate. Help!


Name: Tarnopolska Daria, 15.03.2016

City: Myrne village, Vinnytsia region

Diagnosis: microcephaly, total leukomalacia with ventriculodilatation, spastic tetraparesis, delay of state-kinetic and psycho-speech development

ID: 4127
Альона Даниленко
21.06.2018 13:15
51.83 UAH
Charity donation
21.06.2018 12:31
3000.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.06.2018 11:45
300.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.06.2018 11:42
20.37 UAH
Charity donation
21.06.2018 10:34
101.96 UAH
All donors

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