Ruslan and Roman believe in the future
Ruslan and Roman believe in the future

Ruslan and Roman believe in the future

The project is carried by
Started: 17.01.2020
Lviv region
Totally raised
28950.0 UAH
Total goal
28950.00 UAH

Healthy children are undoubtedly the greatest happiness in the world. Ruslan and Roman’s parents wished their children born healthy, but their dream didn’t come true. Cerebral palsy diagnosis came like a bolt from a blue. That day has engraved in their memory as if a bad dream, it was hard to accept such a news. Difficult times began, so many questions have arisen – what is to be done, what to do, where to find much money for drugs and treatment? 

Sometimes mother used to ask her friends for funds. However, it is by no means easy in the village where everyone knows each other, where no one wants to help you and support; only blame and glare. But in spite of everything, the family did not surrender and made every effort hopefully to provide kids with treatment. 

Now both boys are 19. Roman is more lucky than his brother: he walks by himself, though it is also not easy for him. The boy has muscle contraction in legs as well as his brother has hip displacement. Brothers suffer from frequent pain in legs. Roman hobbles and gets tired quickly, but despite everything he tries to be like everybody – he is amicable and likes to communicate with friends. Ruslan, unlike Roman, does not have any friends; his brother is the only friend for him. He can’t walk without outside assistance, mother is always close by him. With her help the child can make some steps so little for 5 minutes, but he does his utmost. Ruslan can’t stand by himself and keep balance because he is a spastic child.

But the brothers are friends, never offend each other or quarrel, always defend one another. Roman always helps his brother, moves him from one room to another, brings everything he needs, never gets angry. Children spend free time by computer chatting and finding new friends; especially Ruslan, because Internet is the whole world for him where he lives. The kids don’t surrender, continue treatment and there is still a gleam of hope for better in their hearts. They undergo treatment at Bersenev Medical Center in Kyiv for 3 years and a half. They endure painful injections and wish to go on treatment but the low-income family is short on funds. Mother does not work while taking care of children. The family hopes for kind and caring people who can give a helping shoulder and raise funds for boys’ recovery. Ruslan believes to the last that he will be able to walk. Some months ago he overcame his fear of walking (walker helped him). His mother together with him has walked before, now he does this by himself. This is a victory for him, though he only moves from one room to another.

Roman is very happy for his brother, supports him and believes once he can walk, and they will go for walks together, go to work, go on a trip, get better and get married… Their dreams are the same as usual healthy youth have. Boys believe in their great future and hope caring people will help them in their uphill struggle.


Name: Gavrylyshyn Ruslan and Roman, 22.08.2000

City: Baranivka village, Lviv region

Diagnoses: Ruslan: cerebral palsy, rescue diplegia;
Roman: cerebral palsy, right-sided hemiparesis

ID: 5749
Charity donation
27.05.2020 10:40
16515.73 UAH
Charity donation
14.02.2020 21:19
287.87 UAH
Charity donation
14.02.2020 19:38
1018.42 UAH
Charity donation
14.02.2020 18:03
51.01 UAH
Charity donation
14.02.2020 17:24
15.27 UAH
All donors

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