Certificates for medicines for lonely people
Certificates for medicines for lonely people

Certificates for medicines for lonely people

The project is carried by
Started: 28.05.2024
Dnipro region
Still needed
29351.00 UAH
Total goal
40000.00 UAH

By supporting this project with any amount of money, you are helping to provide the necessary medicines to lonely sick elderly people. The aim of the project is to strengthen social assistance to the lonely wards of our foundation from the town of Kamianske and to purchase 40 certificates for medicines in a pharmacy with a face value of UAH 1,000.

Lonely old age is a problem for many elderly people. Unfortunately, neither having children nor having a successful career guarantees that you won't be left alone in retirement. And since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, the number of lonely elderly people has increased significantly. For more than a year now, social workers of our foundation have been helping 70 such people in the city of Kamianske, Dnipro region, helping with household chores, cooking, providing psychological assistance... We work with both internally displaced persons and local residents who need our help. As a result of the stressful situations faced by internally displaced persons, many of them have deteriorated in health, chronic diseases have worsened, and, accordingly, the need for medicines has increased.

Currently, our beneficiaries do not have the financial means to take care of their health, namely to purchase the necessary medicines to maintain their physical condition. This problem is especially relevant for elderly people who have undergone surgery or have disabilities.

We see that the need for medicines is very high today. And we really want to strengthen our help with the necessary medicines. After all, when vulnerable elderly people take their medicines, they take not only a prescription, they take the opportunity to feel a little better, a little younger, a little stronger. Please help us to realize this goal!

Full name: 40 підопічних проєкту БФ "Карітас Кам'янське" "Підтримка українського населення в надзвичайних ситуаціях та реабілітації"
City: Бенефіціари м. Кам'янське
Diagnosis: 40 хворих самотніх осіб, які знаходяться під супроводом наших соціальних працівників отримають сертифікати на суму 1000 гривень. Вони зможуть придбати необхідні лікарські засоби на вказану суму (або з доплатою у разі необхідності) в аптечній мережі у місті Кам’янське. Наразі без необхідних ліків наші фахівці не можуть надати допомогу в повному обсязі.
ID: 9469

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


Аліна Цогоєва
27.06.2024 18:50
9.00 UAH
Charity donation
24.06.2024 23:00
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
23.06.2024 14:45
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.06.2024 09:44
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
18.06.2024 20:17
4000.00 UAH
All donors
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