Chance for Olezhka
Chance for Olezhka

Chance for Olezhka

The project is carried by
Started: 19.07.2017
Totally raised
6930.0 UAH
Total goal
6930.00 UAH

"When our twins were born – Yarinka the daughter and Olezhyk the son, we were parents full of happiness. But when the kids were three months old, we noticed that Olezhik cannot focus his eyes. We started to examine the child and found congenital defects of his brain. The world for us has turned from white to black, overflowing with flours of insults and excitement for health and the future of Olezhyk.

The examination showed that the baby had no corpus luteum in the brain, an underdeveloped cerebellum (a developmental type of Dandy-Walker syndrome), microcephaly, tetraparesis, spastic diplegia, partial atrophy of the optic nerve (sees only day or night), bilateral sensory deafness. In December of 2015, due to the severity of breathing, a tracheostomy tube was installed.
Now he is 2.9 years old, he does not sit, does not walk, does not speak, but began to keep his head better and to hold toys a bit in his hands.

We constantly are engaged in exercise therapy, massage sessions - at home and in rehab centers. Not all rehab centers accept us because they believe that they cannot help, not expecting substantial changes. But we are struggling with the slightest changes that will relieve the little bit and improve Olezhik's life. We strive to be engaged in various rehab techniques with a baby but this requires a considerable amount of money, which is always not enough, so we will be very grateful to the people who understand us and will be able to support financially for passing the rehab program at the medical center of Vladimir Bersenev".


Name: Nalyvka Oleh, 20.09.2014

City: Kiev

Diagnosis: congenital malformation of the brain: Dandy-Walker anomaly, double hemiplegia, pseudobulbar syndrome, systemic speech under development, tracheostomy carrier

ID: 3212
Charity donation
30.07.2017 22:49
655.99 UAH
Максим Крутько
30.07.2017 22:41
509.16 UAH
Charity donation
30.07.2017 22:35
74.43 UAH
Charity donation
30.07.2017 22:00
20.46 UAH
Charity donation
30.07.2017 21:42
100.00 UAH
All donors

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