Happy childhood for Azа. 3
Happy childhood for Azа. 3

Happy childhood for Azа. 3

The project is carried by
Started: 26.05.2023
Kharkiv region
Totally raised
36362.0 UAH
Total goal
36362.00 UAH

Nine years old Aza and her family lived under occupation for six months. Given her serious illness, it is a real miracle that she is now stable. In order for her little body to regain its strength to fight the disease, Aza needs medicines and special high-calorie food as soon as possible. 

Every day, like other children with cystic fibrosis, Azi has to undergo inhalations, medication and physiotherapy. Outwardly similar to her peers, the girl easily catches infections, gets tired quickly and gains weight poorly. Thick sputum accumulates in her lungs, which makes it difficult to breathe, and she often coughs. 

We included in the collection a supply of special food, inhalation and liver protection medicines. Also, a new replacement set for her inhaler. All this is necessary for Aza to live. This girl is waiting for a miracle, help her grow up.

Full name: Tymoshenko Aza, 27.08.2013
City: Buriakivka village, Kharkiv region
Diagnosis: Cystic fibrosis
ID: 8745
Charity donation
28.06.2023 10:26
9640.00 UAH
Charity donation
27.06.2023 00:22
79.00 UAH
Charity donation
24.06.2023 22:45
7000.00 UAH
Charity donation
21.06.2023 21:56
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.06.2023 17:27
100.00 UAH
All donors

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