Happy childhood for Olia
Happy childhood for Olia

Happy childhood for Olia

Started: 21.04.2021
Kherson region
Totally raised
49998.0 UAH
Total goal
49998.00 UAH
On April 20, 2021, the project "Happy childhood for Oli" was posted on the website of the ICB "UBB" dobro.ua, the purpose of which was to raise funds to pay for hearing aids Ruzhilo Oli (diagnosis - bilateral chronic sensorineural deafness 4 st.) Olya is a child who lives in a family-type house. Until the age of 5, she did not have the best life, but now she has a mother and many siblings. Unfortunately, Olina's new guardians do not have enough money to provide their child with hearing aids. The girl was provided with hearing aids when she was 5 years old, now she is 9, and the devices are worn out and do not fit. That's why my mother turned to our foundation. The family received hearing aids on June 12, and Olya will be able to hear and develop well! And in the fall she will go to school with new devices, which will also help her in her studies! We thank UBB ICF for the implementation of projects for children with hearing problems!
Summary cost table
Costs Sum (UAH)
Hearing Aids 49998.00
Total project costs 49998.00
Remnant 0.00
Total 49998.00
Charity donation
27.05.2021 12:44
774.73 UAH
Charity donation
27.05.2021 12:21
100.00 UAH
Charity donation
27.05.2021 11:15
203.92 UAH
27.05.2021 10:11
66.19 UAH
Charity donation
26.05.2021 19:55
203.92 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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