One more step to the goal! 2
The project is carried by
Started: 09.02.2024
Totally raised
34928.0 UAH
Total goal
34928.00 UAH
25.06.2024 15:42
Project has been successfully implemented ICF "Ukrainian Philanthropic Marketplace"
Dear donors! We are pleased to announce that this project has been successfully implemented. A detailed report can be found in the "Reports and documents" section. Thanks to everyone who supports us!
25.06.2024 15:25
The course of treatment is completed
Fund Bersenev
Institution of doctor Bersenev

Dear friends! Many thanks to everyone who contributed to this project! Mykhailo has completed his treatment at the Kozyavkin Clinic. The guy's condition is gradually improving, he is beginning to communic…
20.06.2024 15:37
Fund Bersenev
Institution of doctor Bersenev
Dear friends! Mykhailo is already undergoing treatment at Prof. Kozyavkin's clinic. We wish him success!!! And all the reports will be published immediately after the treatment is completed!
17.05.2024 18:03
Fund Bersenev
Institution of doctor Bersenev
Любі друзі! Щиро дякуємо всім і кожному окремо, хто долучився до збору коштів для Михайла! Дякуємо за вашу небайдужість! Михайло розпочинає курс лікування вже у червні!
09.02.2024 15:29
Start of the project.
Charity donation
09.04.2024 21:54
800.00 UAH |
Charity donation
09.04.2024 10:03
700.00 UAH |
Charity donation
07.04.2024 18:20
600.00 UAH |
Charity donation
04.04.2024 13:47
300.00 UAH |
Charity donation
04.04.2024 11:39
200.00 UAH |
Done - reports are ready,
the project is completed.
Thank you for your support!
Done - reports are ready