To hear the clatter of legs. 10
To hear the clatter of legs. 10

To hear the clatter of legs. 10

The project is carried by
Started: 10.02.2023
Kyiv region
Totally raised
36000.0 UAH
Total goal
36000.00 UAH

A child with a disability... The Lyamzin family learned about this more than 6 years ago. The mother's heart did not want to put up, believe, agree. Mom made a promise to herself and her son that she would do anything to hear the first words, see the first steps.

And so, drop by drop, they go to victory, although it is not easy, but they are trying very hard. Nikita does not know childhood all these years: constant rehabilitation, examinations, physical therapy, massages, classes with speech therapists. A lot of effort has been made to fulfill the dream of sending my son to school. The time of oppressive despair is passing, the hope that the doctors were wrong, the hope that everything will pass and the child will be like everyone else, without special features, without additional needs, and over the years came the understanding that everything takes time and work.

Years pass, Nikita grows up, it's time to think and choose how to further raise and treat the child. How to make a child feel comfortable in this world, so as not to cause unnecessary surprise, disdain from peers. There is no disability in childhood. All children, even with the most complex diagnoses, need socialization, communication, friendship, and new experiences. Therefore, the family decided that in the fall of this year Nikita will go to school, it is impossible to delay this moment. An inclusive class, inclusive education awaits for the boy. But it is necessary to maintain his physical condition, because without rehabilitation, the child becomes physically weaker. Speech does not develop without speech therapist and psychological classes...

The family is asking for help because they cannot overcome these difficulties without financial support: "Nikita really needs rehabilitation, help us adapt our future student to the school environment, so that he develops his abilities, so that the son does not feel different, superfluous, unwanted".

Full name: Liamzin Nikita, 27.07.2016
City: Irpin, Kyiv region
Diagnosis: movement disorder syndrome in the form of flaccid tetraparesis
ID: 8538
Charity donation
16.02.2023 19:16
820.00 UAH
Charity donation
16.02.2023 15:27
500.00 UAH
Charity donation
16.02.2023 15:03
200.00 UAH
Charity donation
16.02.2023 12:22
10000.00 UAH
Charity donation
16.02.2023 10:46
200.00 UAH
All donors

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