A strong girl struggling with cerebral palsy
A strong girl struggling with cerebral palsy

A strong girl struggling with cerebral palsy

The project is carried by
Started: 05.03.2018
Totally raised
12400.0 UAH
Total goal
12400.00 UAH

Blonde curls and brown eyes. Tonia Sarandi has three years old, she has a cerebral palsy. Legs and pens are prone to illness, due to problems with digestion, it does not gain weight and, despite its age, weighs some 9 kilograms. Tonia does not know how to concentrate her eyes and does not hold her head, but this girl is a real fighter. And in order to resist the illness, Tonia needs constant rehab and our help.

Tonia has not yet had time to come to light, as already became the meaning of mother life. Throughout her pregnancy, Tatiana did not recover from happiness and went to the maternity ward with the hope of bringing the daughter more quickly to her chest. Then the water then went away quickly, and from the pinters - it was delayed. Doctors at the cesarean section were weighed for 12 hours, while the child suffered from dehydration and oxygen starvation. When it was taken from the abdomen, the heart was barely beating.

Reanimation, coma, a liter of medicine and no chance of life. Tonia came to mind only in a week. It was a joy that immediately eclipsed barely noticeable cramps – the first signs of an incurable illness with which the girl would have to struggle for life.

Cerebral palsy is complicated by spastic tetraparesis – due to the impression of the nervous system, its pens and legs are not able to move independently. From constant tension it reduces muscle, it is an unbearable pain. In this state, the limbs literally blunder, the disease deforms them. And yet – it hinders development. Such children do not hold their heads, they can not sit, stand or walk. Only professional rehabilitation can be done.

Behind Toni already four such courses in the center "Free Movement". The results are stunning. If before, the girl was screaming at the pain when doctors decided to squeeze their muscles, now Tonia even smiles, the body becomes more elastic. The stiffness of the hands remained, but the muscles of the legs began to relax. The girl can even stand on her fingers. A year ago, even my mother would not believe it. And still, Tonia learned to sit, though while with the support. These are only the first and elementary, but nevertheless valuable, Tonia's victory. They testify: there are prospects, it is necessary to develop further, and if not to slow down, the child can even walk

But for this, Tonia needs to undergo the next rehab course, during which he will be dealt with by the best specialists within two weeks. His cost of 12,400 UAH for financially exhausted years of struggle mom Tetiana is simply unbearable. She trains her daughter herself, the husband, as it often happens, has left the sick child. Take the money nowhere. If you stop rehab, Tonium will delay the illness again. That mother believes that people who are not indifferent to their grief will not allow this to happen. She asks to support her daughter and give her a chance to have a good life.

"I'm dreaming that she would go to school with her legs. Doctors say that everything depends on the nature of the person. And my Toshi oh that is a character, and therefore the chances are good. The main thing now is to support it in this struggle".


Name: Sarandi Antonina, 10.06.2014

City: Kiev

Diagnosis: cerebral palsy, spasmodic tetraplegia, IV level for GMFCS, secondary microcephaly, equine legs

ID: 3827
Charity donation
07.04.2018 12:44
1848.93 UAH
Charity donation
06.04.2018 23:00
51.01 UAH
Charity donation
06.04.2018 22:47
13.24 UAH
Charity donation
06.04.2018 20:33
423.14 UAH
Charity donation
06.04.2018 09:40
2000.00 UAH
All donors

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