Orphanhood and talent
Orphanhood and talent

Orphanhood and talent

The project is carried by
Started: 09.02.2018
Totally raised
1183.92 UAH
Total goal
1183.92 UAH

Orphan is the word from which the heart is shaking. Orphan is always a loneliness, a feeling of abandonment, inferiority, a feeling of not being a separate, unique personality, and one of... It's when there is no one to lean on and whom to trust. This uncertainty, the fear "And what will happen next", confusion and despair after the boarding house closed when the life of the "commune" when they said what to do and how to do when everything was decided for you - everything was left behind... How to live next? Who will support and prompt you?!

Fortunately, there are people who are not indifferent to the fate of orphans who go into their separate lives after residential institutions and shelters that are ready to become for them a solid support and support, those whom they can count on, whom one can always seek advice, who will teach the elementary rules of survival in the cultivation of independent living beyond the walls of the boarding school.

One of such places with which our foundation has long collaborated in the direction of diversifying the distribution of orphaned children leaving residential institutions is one of the vocational schools of the Khmelnytsky region. To date, this institution has become a refuge and a place for both the profession and life skills "in the real world" for 60 orphans and yesterday's "internattivists".

We, for many years working with children, adolescents and young people who are orphans and deprived of parental care, are well aware that their primary need is not some material things, clothes, holiday gifts or something like most people who do not see Everyday the real life of such children. In fact, they urgently need the participation of indifferent adults in their destiny, experiencing a real famine for genuine communication, when someone gives time and attention to him alone, when someone takes care of him so much that sees something special in him, and it will develop this special, raising it the child to another, a higher level.

That is why we have a great idea and urgent need to create an artistic studio for such children and young people who are orphans, where they can study theater and choreography free of charge, as most of them are magnificent and talented! And the task of us, indifferent adults, is to identify, support and develop the creative tasks and abilities of these children, while giving them the feeling of being full-fledged, confident in themselves, in their own power, to get rid of the "internat" style. Such classes will open new horizons for them, help them to reveal themselves, to believe in others, to trust the world, because the fact that absolutely all children from boarding schools are deeply injured psychologically and morally... is not well known...

So let's become for them like good wizards to help them believe that the world is a safe and wonderful place that can be confident, optimistic, like other young people who are fortunate enough to have a family. We can actually affect the future of these teenagers, when they are no longer victims of the circumstances, but learn to live with responsibility, realizing that their fate depends primarily on them themselves. It only needs a little help to help them at the very beginning of their independent lives. We can do it together, it's a worthy and noble thing!

ID: 3770
Charity donation
04.06.2018 10:47
101.96 UAH
14.05.2018 23:32
407.42 UAH
Charity donation
01.05.2018 09:05
50.92 UAH
Charity donation
20.04.2018 10:51
50.92 UAH
Charity donation
15.03.2018 17:59
203.92 UAH
All donors

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