Rescue service for homeless
Rescue service for homeless

Rescue service for homeless

The project is carried by
Started: 21.04.2016
Totally raised
5273.0 UAH
Total goal
5273.00 UAH

They are abandoned and useless, deprived of attention and care.They cannot receive medical care, hot meals, clean clothes and basic hygiene means. Among them are former successful businessmen, managers and scientists.These people did not cope with life's difficulties, did not receive timely support from the family, the government and slipped to the bottom of the social pit.Life is so changeable and unstable that anyone can become homeless!

Due to recent events in the streets of Ukraine continues to increase the number of homeless people.

Only in Kiev their number is more than 20 000 people. The main reason of which people find themselves in the street is a problem in the family, the children expel their parents on the street, and parents expel the children. Our duty - to help people who are abandoned to their fate.
Thus in February 2015 the Homeless Rescue Service was founded. The work of the Service is to provide qualified operative social and medical assistance to people who have no permanent residence.

Homeless Rescue Service is designed to improve accessibility of services for socially disadvantaged groups of people, reduce mortality rates among homeless, and also attract the citizens of the city to the process to help those citizens who are most in need.

With this purpose was created "hot" line 067-911-7-911 by which every not indifferent person can inform the operator about the people who is in trouble and needs an urgent help. After receiving the call, the crew goes to the place where they provide disadvantaged person with primary medical and social assistance (hot meals, clothing, shoes, etc.) and if necessary takes decisions: to transfer the poor person to the shelter or to the social center where the homeless can go through rehabilitation program and return to the normal life.

Do not be indifferent to the problems to the person who is in the street, help our Homeless Rescue Service to rescue lifes!

ID: 2214
Татьяна Грищенко
24.05.2016 15:15
1800.00 UAH
Charity donation
23.05.2016 15:53
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
23.05.2016 15:44
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
23.05.2016 12:42
250.00 UAH
Charity donation
23.05.2016 12:33
100.00 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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