Sunny girl wins!
Sunny girl wins!

Sunny girl wins!

The project is carried by
Started: 07.03.2019
Totally raised
5496.59 UAH
Total goal
5496.59 UAH

Olenka was the first and desired child. But after birth, doctors confused her parents: "Your child has Down syndrome, she has heart disease. You can give it up. You are young, you can still give birth to yourself". At that moment, their lives turned upside down. They did not understand how their child was different from others, they looked for the answer in the faces of other babies, but they did not find it, because their Olena is still the best.  

As time went on, the child grew, was observed by doctors. Up to a year, the open arterial duct closed on its own. Mom was glad that everything was good, they tried to live a normal life. It was as if nothing, but Alenka was painful: she had permanent otitis, sinusitis, bronchitis. Well, all the children are sick. The girl went to the kindergarten, studied a lot - a psychologist, a speech therapist - led an active lifestyle, engaged in dancing, playing the piano.

The girl went to study in secondary school. It seemed that all the bad had already passed, but no. In the ninth year of her life, she was diagnosed with cholelithiasis. Again, long treatment, which removed the symptoms, but did not get rid of the disease. A year later, she was diagnosed with grade III scoliosis. And again their lives turned upside down. Constant messages, wearing a corset and ... tears. The parents even turned to manual therapy, but over the past year the girl only got worse, the hump on the back increased, there was a constant pain when walking, long sitting. Goodbye, favorite dances, goodbye, quiet life.

The doctors' verdict: juvenile scoliosis of the IV degree of the thoracolumbar spine, Alena needs surgical treatment, namely the implantation of the polysegmental "growing" construction of Nova Spine to stabilize the spine. Costly treatment knocked the family out of a rut. Very hard when you do not know how to help your child.

Parents knock on all doors and hope that here, on UBB, they will be helped!


Name: Bakhurynska Olena, 03.10.2007

City: Zhytomyr

Diagnosis: juvenile scoliosis of the thoracolumbar spine 4 degree

ID: 4871
Charity donation
21.03.2019 20:04
101.96 UAH
Charity donation
19.03.2019 22:10
455.00 UAH
Charity donation
19.03.2019 14:40
101.96 UAH
Charity donation
19.03.2019 07:41
407.35 UAH
Charity donation
16.03.2019 09:17
15.35 UAH
All donors

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the project is completed.

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