The sun in Nikita's heart: a chance for a new life
The sun in Nikita's heart: a chance for a new life

The sun in Nikita's heart: a chance for a new life

The project is carried by
Started: 17.03.2025
Still needed
24350.00 UAH
Total goal
25000.00 UAH

"My name is Lyudmyla, and I am Nikita's mother. My son is a special boy with Down syndrome, a congenital heart defect, and delayed psychomotor development. We need regular rehabilitation to help him grow and adapt to the world around him. Each therapy session brings improvements, and we sincerely believe that we can give him the chance for a full life. But we need your help to make it happen".

Nikita is an incredibly bright and kind boy. He loves people and is very happy to meet new people. Thanks to the treatment and classes at the center, his family can already see positive changes. However, the boy's diagnoses require constant support – sensory integration classes, play therapy, art therapy and other techniques help him develop coordination, speech and social skills.

"My Nikita is our smile and joy. He always seeks communication and is eager to connect with others. I dream of seeing him talk with other children and learn to be independent. We are doing everything possible for his development, but it’s hard to manage without your help. Every bit of your support is a chance for my son to become happier and stronger," says his mother, Lyudmyla.

At, we raise funds for Nikita's rehabilitation at the "Svit Mozhlyvostey" ("World of Opportunities") inclusive center.

Full name: Khaustov Nikita, 04.09.2016
City: Kyiv
Diagnosis: Down syndrome, congenital heart disease, delayed psychomotor development
ID: 10048

Your help is needed more than ever. Support the project to add some goodness to this world!


Charity donation
17.03.2025 20:50
50.00 UAH
Charity donation
17.03.2025 17:28
500.00 UAH
З Богом
17.03.2025 15:25
100.00 UAH
All donors
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